Thank you all so much for the extra big hug and love you left on
my last post! I so appreciate it!
Now I'm not usually a fan of all the Christmas decorations out before Thanksgiving, but with Thanksgiving later this year, this past week I've been itching to put things out. I've also been wanting to watch
Love Actually
, but that tends to come after Thanksgiving too. However, I think I've held out long enough, right?
I'm definitely hoping to avoid the mall after Thanksgiving, so when I've been feeling well, I've tried to do a bit of holiday shopping here and there. Knitting is everywhere this time of year.....

I love these pom poms!! How fun!

Not technically a handknit item, but I LOVE these candles!

And this, well, I just loved it! I left it at Anthropologie though.
I'm hoping to do more of a handmade/homemade holidays this year, but you know I always think I can knit faster than I can. Or cook and bake faster than I can. But it isn't quite December yet, so I'm hopeful and can be wistful that it will all magically happen.
I'd love to knit
Herrington, the new cowl by the lovely
This version is knit out of the lovely Bare Naked Wools,
Breakfast Blend Fingering. Isn't it stunning!??! I'm so tempted to join their KAL
Another pattern I recently purchased is
Snawheid, from the talented Kate Davies.
Is that not the perfect winter hat?! I guess between this hat and Herrington, I'm itching to do some colorwork.
I've also purchased some lovely new yarns (oops....more retail therapy, but hey, at least it isn't a car like Dianne bought! haha! loved that comment
Dianne) that just may become holiday gifts.
I'm in love with A Verb for Keeping Warm's
Pioneer yarn! It is just so lovely! And in stock again!!
And these stunning gradient yarns from
Black Trillium Fibre Studios. I've been drooling over all the Fiar's knit with these and just love them!
Also on my homemade list is some baking. I've loved every recipe from this cookbook (I was excited to see it at Anthropologie too!), so I can't wait to try some of the muffin ones and a few others for holiday cooking. If you aren't reading
In Jennie's Kitchen, you really should. I love her and her blog! Raspberry croissant bread pudding....seriously?!?! Yum.\
Homemade with Love
, by Jennifer Perillo
A little note about those
links....I do receive a bit of commission on any purchases that are clicked through from my blog from Amazon. Just something to keep in mind as you do your holiday shopping :) Same with those
Craftsy links too :)
Oh, and in case you missed it, I'm having a little thank you sale for you guys.
So from now through 11:59pm PST on Monday evening, I'm offering you guys a coupon code for 50% off any of my IGK patterns that are $6.00 or less! Time for gift knitting right! Coupon code: grateful
Happy Knitting!
xoxo Irishgirlieknits