Making memories with the family...

I am seriously smitten with Miss Magpie! I just love that she recognizes my voice now and giggles at our favorite silly games and sounds! Still in love with her!

Kind of like the way I'm in love with this kid, even when he is being a goofball!
Making, baking, and celebrating a lovely Mother's Day earlier this month.....

My sister and I put together a backyard tea that was just perfect. They totally got into trying all of my favorite teas fun!

Seriously cute, right?!?! I know....I'm biased.

And this sweet girl made sure I had a special day. She has such a big heart, I'm truly blessed.
Making of the knitting kind.....

I had to practically force myself to knit the above few stitches last week, after three weeks of not knitting. I'll be honest, the beginning of the month was tough health-wise. I was experiencing a lot of pain that made knitting not so fun. But, after some tests, I had good news and my doctors have me on a great plan that is working! I have to say the past week or so I've felt almost back to normal, with minimal pain!
At Lil' Snowboarder's softball games last weekend, I finished the above project and then picked my Polartorte hat back up. Btw, I think we may have to start calling her Lil' Softballer or something because she has at least four games this weekend!!

I was looking forward to finishing this hat this weekend, but I left it at home?!?! Ugh. Fortunately I brought back up WIPs, but not ones I'm loving.... oh well.
What kind of making have you guys been up to in May? I can't wait to hear!
Happy Weekend!
xoxo Irishgirlieknits
p.s. Saturday is the last day of my Madtosh May sale, where all IGK patterns and ebooks are 20% off with the coupon code: madmay