I'll be honest. It has been a year around here. You've noticed the blog has been quiet. In part because I've been busy. But also because I've been trying to figure things out. You know me...if I don't have anything happy or nice to say, I tend not to say it. Ha. My knitting has suffered a bit from that too.

Case in point: This hat has been on the needles since August. It is the only knitting I've worked on. What?!?! I think I've been on the decrease section for forever. It'll be remedied today. Promise.
The last few months though, I have finally started to find myself again, despite the lack of knitting. I truly feel like it started last February when I found a home at a new church and the message of my amazing pastor was to profess that we are blessed. I'm blessed.
You're blessed. We are all blessed. Especially those of us in this amazing knitting community....I have friends from all walks of life, political viewpoints, religions, parts of the country and world because of knitting. And for that I'm truly blessed. It helps me believe that our country will be ok.
I miss my knitters though. I've needed to take some time to take care of me, and sometimes to do that, you have to put other things on hold. I've been writing though. Trying to find my voice again. And journaling has reminded me how much I miss blogging.

I started eating right again. Drinking my shakeology. Started Weight Watchers. Got back to swimming. Told myself my head didn't hurt NO MATTER HOW IT FELT! Put some pretty lipstick on again. Baby steps.

This picture is probably the best I've felt, both inside and out in a long time! And those of you who follow my on Instagram, THANK YOU, for cheering me on along the way. The journey is part of the blessing and is teaching me a lot about myself.
Technically, I did finish some knitting. This gorgeous Cannon Beach scarf has needed to be blocked forever. I finally did that last weekend and I love it (so much so that I marked the pattern on sale for $4.50 through Nov. 15!).

The gorgeous gradient yarn is Pebble Sock Gradient Yarn from Black Trillium Fibres. I have a few sets to design with, and trust me, after blocking this, my creative juices are flowing again! I can't wait to get back to designing!!
Gradients are everywhere....even when I was getting a mani/pedi last week...another part of my self-care routine.

Are you still knitting with gradients? I've got a few in my destash if you need some! Trust me, I still have plenty. I may not have been knitting, but you know, yarn shopping....it happens.
My heart has been happy too, I'll admit. Amazing once you focus on taking care of yourself what can happen.

So yes, even though this week has been heartbreaking and challenging and filled with emotions for many of us, I choose to focus on my blessings. Last weekend, I had downloaded some new songs. Two of them have been playing over and over for me this week. First, this one. They sang it at church this morning too.
The next one was from Hamilton. Now, you all know I LOVE my broadway shows. But I'm not a fan of spoilers! So I haven't really downloaded the Hamilton soundtrack or read the screenplay like almost the rest of the world. Tempted and still might, but I haven't. But I did download the few songs from the Mixtape version (I know, I know...could be considered sacrilege?). Particularly because I loved Kelly Clarkson's version of It's Quiet Uptown.
As I listened to it Wednesday, the song took on new meaning. The lyrics are so powerful.
Forgiveness. Can you imagine?

Wishing us all a peace-filled week ahead.
Happy Knitting!
xoxo Irishgirlieknits
P.S. Plucktovember Sale through Tuesday, Nov. 15!!