Why yes, I know, it isn't summer and I'm not in New York City. But one of the things I love about this blog is that in addition to sharing my knitting, it is a space to remember special trips or events. I still can't quite believe that I haven't shared my quick two and a half days back at the end of July! And since I'm on another quick trip this weekend, I figured I better share that trip first.
I arrived late Tuesday night and planned to cram a lot in in just two and half days. The agenda...... Food, Fun, and Broadway (I'm a theater junkie!!!)!
I followed a lot of Tricia's, aka
Cheeky Attitude, r
ecommendations from her blog. Being on my own in the city I could go wherever I wanted. In someways that was awesome, but in other ways, there were almost too many choices. So it was nice to have some trusted recommendations.
First stop, the basement of the Plaza hotel has a food hall that is amazing. So many choices. The lobster roll was delicious. And I couldn't resist trying a marshmallow or two.
Even though I had seen it before, I just couldn't resist seeing Alan Cumming and Michelle Williams in Cabaret at Studio 54! It was awesome!! That's how I started my Wednesday. Then of course, it was time for dinner. Ha! More food.
There is no way to describe how HUGE this pastrami sandwich was! I could only eat half! It was so good though! Now the amount of walking I had done that day was more than I had been able to do in months so I felt absolutely no guilt eating the next thing later....
A perfectly scrumptious vanilla cupcake from
Magnolia Bakery. Day made. Except for one more amazing thing.
Seeing Audra McDonald perform her one woman show,
Lady Day at Emerson's Bar and Grill. It was such an intimate theater too, plus I didn't realize when I purchased my ticket that I was practically front row (the theater is set up a little differently, so she sang two or three songs literally about six feet away from me....just amazing!). She truly embodied Billie Holiday.
As perfect as Wednesday was, Thursday was even better. I had planned to meet up with Tracey, a friend I had met through knitting and Ravelry. Of course, there's always that little bit of worry that maybe we wouldn't hit it off in person, but, honestly, I just couldn't imagine that. And I was right. We both can't wait for the next trip!!! We had such a fun day!
We met up at
Balthazar's in SoHo. It was lovely and relaxing and perfect.
Look at that big bowl of a cafe au lair. Just how I like it!

Balthazar selfie :)
I think we ate the flaky almond croissant too quickly to take a picture. Afterwards we made our trek to mecca, aka
Purl Soho.
Tracey even came with a special yarn gift.....an gorgeous skein of Madelinetosh in a colorway dyed exclusively for her LYS! Isn't it gorgeous! Thanks again Tracey.
And then, I introduced Tracey to
Laduree. I had scoped the place out the day before to see if it would be a good spot to just sit and knit for a couple hours (ok, a bit decadent to sit and knit, but it was on my list of things to do and thought it would be fun to do with a friend). We had so much fun!! Oh Tracey, I miss you!!
We sat out on the patio and enjoyed tea and sweets and knit and laughed and had a lovely afternoon. It was a perfect afternoon.
Macaron, anyone?
Tracey headed back home and I went back to the hotel for a bit before heading out for the evening. One fun part of traveling alone and going to the theater is having an early dinner. I was able to get a last minute reservation at the popular restaurant,
Rubirosa's. Their pizza was AMAZING!
And then I headed up town to see Idina Menzel in her new Broadway show If/Then. The show had received mixed reviews, but I absolutely loved it. Yes, it was Idina and I had seen her perform in Wicked before. I think I loved this performance because I could relate so much to the character and the story and where she was at in her life. I really enjoyed it! And Idina was stunning and amazing and incredible and yes, I'm gushing!!
Friday was a quick morning....but I did grab lunch at Shake Shack (I was told it was a must!) at Madison Square Park.
And then it was back to the hotel to wait for Leslie to head to the airport together. Thank you Leslie for letting me tag along on your business trip and for staying at a swanky SoHo hotel that has a lobby that looks like this!
So yes, a few months later, but a great few days....thanks for traveling down memory lane with me. I promise to share this next trip with you a bit more promptly!
Happy Knitting!!
xoxo Irishgirlieknits