Chin up Old Girl is right! Well said
Disco! That's the motto for the weekend around here at La Casa de Irishgirlie! Seriously, Rowan and I have survived an emotionally and physically exhausting week with my mom in the hospital. She went home today, sort of. We'll see if she's okay. All I know is that I have the weekend FREE (My brother and aunt are on mom duty)! Snowboarder is taking me out to dinner in a few minutes, then that's all I have planned. Well, except for the following: sleep, knit, watch tv, knit, maybe go to the gym, oh and get a pedicure (I can knit while I do that too!). Rowan and Snowboarder will both be gone for the rest of the weekend too, so doing the above things should be quite easy!
Oh, and yes, you read it correctly. A little thank you contest too. Read on for details.
So, you know its been a bad week when there hasn't been much knitting going on. Usually when I'm stressed, I knit. So tired this week, couldn't really knit. Just vegged on the knit blogs a bit and watched some tv. But here's what I have on the needles.
Tomato!! This is my little surprise. I actually started this way back during the Blanket that Rocks! I needed some motivation to help me finish the blanket, so I thought if I cast on something new, that might help. I started this right before
Turtlegirl started
her's (and wow! did she finish her's super quick!). So I'm just now really getting into starting it now that the blankets done.

And, right when the bad stuff started last week, PashyKnits and I decided to buy some fancy Artyarns silk to make a
dreamswatch. I was inspired by
Disco's and
Jessica's. I started this in the emergency room. Got to love Rowan. She immediately picked up the phone and called Pashy and gave her a bit of hell (hehehe) for interrupting the start of her Harry Potter socks!!
The conversation went a little something like this:
Rowan: What's that you are working on?Me: Its a dreamswatch. P and I picked it out last night.Rowan: What!?! (grabs phone and calls PashyKnits on the phone) Pashy, what is this dreamy thing Karabella is working on?! She's supposed to be working on my Harry Potter socks! I love you Rowan! Pashy thought it was funny cause she knew we were at the emergency room and Rowan called from my phone, so she was all ready to be supportive...and then she gets silly Rowan talking about yarn!!

So, now on to the contest!!! Last week, I stopped by
Purlescence Yarns and as some of you remember, I made a little purchase. Here's what I got (well, not ALL of it of course, but essentially most of it).
Blue Moon Fiber Arts Bambu. Pashy, pick which color you want, because then one is being swapped to LittleMy, and
the other is going to one of our lovely readers!! I just wanted to send a big thank you to you guys for all the hugs and nice comments, PMs, etc. this past week. And in the spirt of Chin up, why not have a contest!!
Details: Sunday night, when Rowan gets home from the airport, we'll pick one lucky winner from a drawing to win a skein of Bambu. There are two ways to be entered in the drawing. You can be entered one time for just leaving a comment on this post (or tomorrow's or Sunday's if I have any) (one entry for a comment over the entire weekend basically). The other way is to leave a question that you have for me (Irishgirlieknits) about you know, I guess anything (you can ask, doesn't mean I have to answer...hehehehe). We'll call it a getting to know me :) So if you leave a question, that's another entry :)
Oh, and if you are just one of my friend's lurking, still feel free to say hi and play. Rowan wants a contest that she could maybe win that doesn't involve yarn (she said she wanted to play too...I told her she had to leave a comment....and not one of those anonymous ones she keeps leaving!).
Bambu, colorway Tide Pool
Bambu, colorway Calypso
Thanks again!!! xoxo Irishgirlieknits