Love those gorgeous sock yarns, some of the chocolate yummies are already gone, and is that Naturwolle not me or what??
Brown and Pink. Perfect. Thanks Charlotte!!!
Now on to Blogstalking assignment #4 and #5.
Topic this week....three things I love and three things I don't love. This blog is all about things I love....knitting, family, socks that rock, my doggies, friends, traveling, Notre Dame football (in no particular order of course!!). So here are a few other loves.
1. Books. I love to read. I love a good independent bookstore too (my local favorite is Keplers).
This is just a sampling of my knitting books.

And my cookbooks collection rivals my knitting book collection. Although the Barefoot Contessa is probably one of my favorites! As you can tell here.
The current fiction book I'm reading is this. Thanks Disco for the recommendation!

2. I do love Diet Coke!

3. It was a toss-up between baked goods :) or a good crime drama on TV....and since its Tuesday night, Law & Order, wins out! Tonight its Law & Order SVU :) I love all of the Law & Orders, but I also love The Closer, Without a Trace. Good knitting tv.
Three things I don't love. Well, they don't deserve pictures in my book.
1. Household chores...all of them! Washing the dishes, laundry, etc.
2. Waking up early. Seriously. I do laugh that last year to make it to the day after Thanksgiving, 30% off at Purlescence Yarns, which started at 6am, I was out the door at 5:40am! My dad and Rowan were shocked. But since it was about yarn, they kind of weren't.
3. Ignorance.
Now on to Topic #5...A statue.

Not sure if this qualifies, but it'll do. Rowan has this Eiffel Tower in our living room and I do love it because it always makes me think of Paris and traveling and that is one of the things I love.
In knitting news, I'm celebrating Socktoberfest this week by working on two pairs of socks! I've finished one of each. Hopefully a finished pair sometime this week!

xoxo Irishgirlieknits
I agree with the hating getting up early. .. I was up at 4:15 today, and am now trying to wait patiently for my cab to take me to the airport (he is not late, but I am ready early, so I could have slept 15 more minutes!)
And the pink & brown yarn. . . I'm drooling. . . .
With just the tops of the orange socks showing, they remind me of fetchings. :) And I love the colors in your jaywalkers.
Great swap package!
I am totaly with you on the getting up eary! Can't stand it. I'm much more of a night owl.
Whew! Great cover all bases post!!
Love that pink and brown yarn!
So many things to cover! I don't know where to start. Nice swap package! With you on the love for the pink & brown combo.
Great socks in boots. I think Rowan's orange socks are going to be great. (Not that I should talk as I have a love/hate relationship with that color.)
And is that a Socktopus Jaywalker I see?
I was wondering the same! (The Socktopus query, that is!) Or possibly Mystic Kelp?
I love Rowan's sock. I also kinda like oranges, but not always. I actually more of a brown/gold/olive fall colors gal, but maybe we are just seeing more orange these days so it's not so yucky anymore?
PS-I like that Opal, too. I'm wanting to get a ball of the designer colorways and try out a lengthwise knit sock!
PS-I like that Opal, too. I'm wanting to get a ball of the designer colorways and try out a lengthwise knit sock!
I was at Purlesence at 6AM on black Friday too! We were in the same place and didn't know it!
Tapmouse and Nartian....Mystic Kelp Jaywalkers!!
Lovely swap there. I love getting up early, it is the only time where no one bothers me!!
Pink and brown yarn always looks so edible!
Oooh, love the Naturwolle. And the cookbooks. Hopefully you'll have another swap package soon... any day now!
Lots of good stuff to love in this post!
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