And since it is Socktoberfest, I thought I would show you my two sock WIP. On the left is my Woolgirl sock club sock, Waterfalls (that I'm hoping will be a birthday present for a certain someone if they get done soon). On the right is definately a sock not for me (the orange should give that away!). Rowan has been begging for me to cast on her cashmere socks from her yarn purchase in NYC. Other goals for Socktoberfest include at least one pair of socks for dad and hopefully a pair of monkeys or jaywalkers for me in STR! Socktoberfest marks the one year anniversary of when I learned to knit socks! The addiction has become a bit scary in just one year! What are you all working on for Socktoberfest?

Happy Socktoberfest!!
xoxo Irishgirlieknits
where's my kid's eyebrows!!!!!
OMG! the middle picture with stuck out tongue is BEYOND cute!!
He is the cutest!!! Love that hat and the last picture is priceless, like hey you..enough of my cuteness! Nice looking socks!
That is just about the cutest thing I've ever seen. What a happy baby!
That second picture cracked me up - great hat!
Very, very cute!
Yes, the second pic is hysterical! And the hat pulling pic is so typical of babies.
I need to do an official Socktoberfest post as yesterday's was a weak attempt at it.
Rowan's sock is a great orange! That will so yummylicious for her in the cashmere.
That is the cutest FO photoshoot EVAR!
Ack! The cuteness! The sweetness! My teeth now hurt.
Love that little pumpkin hat! My daughter always yanks her hats off, too. Little stinkers. Great job on the hat!
Disco's comment - Little Guy equals my guys for cuteness. You need to always have that second picture on your fridge.
Teddy's comment - he's so silly :-) :-) :-)
Ohmigosh, can this be any cuter? Love it!
(3cowboys from Ravelry, your eternally grateful sock camp bunky)
Oh my god. Those are the funniest FO pics ever! Love the one where he's ripping it off! Great job on the socks! Congrats on your sockiversarry. :)
Ooh! A cuteness overload!
And the socks look great!
The pumpkin hat is adorable. And oooh, cashmere socks, nice!
The lil guy IS cute - hat is awesome! We will make sure we take a few photo's of him in his sweater and hat at the Cliff's of Moher in Ireland.
So cute! I have to get the book just to make this hat!
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