The past week or two have been a whirlwind. A busy transition back to work left the blog unattended, but also lots of friend and family time the past few weeks. So let's just jump right in and catch up, shall we?
A lot has been happening....
1. My bestest friend in the whole wide world was home last week and it was so nice to spend time with her and her adorable 14-month old son,
Cutiepatootie. He's getting so big! And beyond cute! So I quickly knit him up a new hat in Madelinetosh Chunky.
2. Visiting with her and another friend reminded me how blessed I am to have close friends who have known me practically my entire life (since I was 6!). It was a good few days spending time with them.
3. While visiting her on the East Bay, I was able to visit for the first time a new yarn store,
A Yarn Less Raveled. What a fabulous store!

This is
Mindy, the shop owner. She was absolutely delightful and so nice and so enthusiastic about the new yarns, classes, and customers. It was so nice to see a new store so busy on a Sunday morning.

Look, a
Summer Wind! Mindy said the pattern has been selling like hotcakes! Yay!!
They carry an amazing amount of
gorgeous yarns! Madelinetosh, Scrumptious, Shibui Knits....

I picked up a few goodies that I couldn't resist.

Yes, this 49er fan bought these colors. You see, I promised a cute hat to my
adorable baby model, and it was long overdue.

Technically I knit two of these. One for him and one for his twin brother. Their mommies are big Packers fans!
4. 3 baby hats in a week. I have to admit, it was nice to do some gift knitting for very appreciative people. Even though it puts me behind schedule a bit when it comes to design knitting, it is worth every minute to see happy moms and adorable kids wearing something I made for them. Plus, those suckers are quick to knit. Instant gratification!
5. Did you watch that 49er game?!?! Go Niners! What an awesome win! I'll be watching the game this coming Sunday somewhere in Phoenix as I'll be there for
TNNA. I'm so excited to be able to see knitting friends, especially
Zonda, and have a bit of a vacation. My patterns will be available at the
Deep South Fibers Booth!
6. When I get back from TNNA next week, I'll be having arthroscopic surgery on my knee. I've had two knee surgeries before, way back when when I was in grammar school and high school and playing sports nonstop. My knee has been hurting A LOT the past six months, and despite physical therapy, it has continued to be bothersome. Well, according to the MRI, that's because there isn't much cartilage left in there. OUCH. I'm actually looking forward to surgery because then I know I'll be on the road to recovery!
Blackberry Brambles has been reformatted and is now available! The new format also features an additional size.
8. Socks socks socks. That's what December was all about for me. The
Sock Knitters Anonymous Mystery Sock KAL has been an awesome! There are 544 projects right now of
my design! It's not to late to come join us :)
I also finished up a design that was released at the beginning of the month for Woolgirl's Wizard of Oz Sock Club. The theme was the Witch's Guard and the design...Pointy Sticks. Remember that
picot I was in love with...
Note to self...take better pictures before you mail off your designs...ugh...
9. 2012 will not be all about socks. I promise. I have a new design on the needles for
The Plucky Knitter that I just LOVE! Well, knitting with Sarah's yarns doesn't hurt either :) And it is not too late to sign up for
Twisted's Shawlette Club that I'm designing for! I can't wait! The
line-up of designers and indie dyers is pretty awesome. I'm so excited to be designing with
Little Red Bicycle's Yarns! Her booth was one that I loved at Sock Summit!!!
Downton Abbey. I heart it so. If you haven't seen it, go, stop reading this. Happiness awaits! Oh, and for more
fabulous things of 2012, check out this awesome
post by Cheekyattitude. Thank you Tricia!!
So that's what has been happening around here. Now, what have you guys been up to? What's on your needles? on your Kindle? on your mind? Do tell :)
Happy Knitting!
xoxo Irishgirlieknits