As in, tired as Puddles on a hot day.
One would think that after a three day weekend I would be refreshed and ready to face work again. But no. The gazillion emails that awaited me this morning was a harbinger of the day I was to have. I'm really a bit too tired to post tonight, but I wanted to blog all weekend and promised myself a few minutes to reflect at the end of the day. As I stared at my computer, too tired, I thought I'd peek at some old blog posts I'd written....so I looked at all the May posts from a few years ago, then another May, the last May. And I can sum them all up by telling you that May usually kicks my butt at work. End of the school year, new schedules,etc. Well, this May is still kicking.....
There has been some knitting though. I made some nice progress on one of my new designs that I'm working on for TNNA. Poor lighting tonight doesn't do this gorgeous yarn from Knitted Wit justice.

I do love when the transition to the edging actually works!
I'll be working on this all week to finish it and get started on my other TNNA design. Nothing like a deadline to get the knitting mojo going.
Now, a few new things I've been meaning to mention....
1. I don't like the new flickr layout. What the heck?!
2. I just signed up for Audible.com. We'll see how this whole audiobook thing goes. I'll be honest, I don't know if I'll be able to to concentrate on an audiobook. I loved Harry Potter on the audiobooks, but that was because I had already read the books and if my mind wandered, I wasn't completely lost. But, I've been having some long drives lately and I need to try something to entertain me on them. First book I'm trying is The Chaperone. Elizabeth McGovern narrates it, so I figured I couldn't go wrong with listening to Cora Crawley :)
3. Did you see the new Signature needles?? Interesting......
4. I will continue to gush and gush about Anne Hanson's clubs (I've only signed up for the e-book versions) because they are so much more than a pattern. This month's Bare Naked Knitspot chapter included two awesome patterns (here and here) as well as a wealth of yarn information and Anne's own process as a designer. That is where I feel like I'm learning so much just reading the pages and pages of information (I think the ebook is well over 100 pages now). Anyways, this last month's yarn and pattern I LOVED because it reminded me of my Irish Dancing Days! Check out Ghillie, the new yarn from Knitspot, and named after the Highland Dancing (or in my case, Irish Dancing) shoes. In addition to my Slip Jig sock pattern, I've thought about having a Treble Jig pattern and a Hornpipe pattern someday. This would be the perfect yarn for that.
5. I'm still obsessed with DavidsTea, particularly their ice teas for summer!
6. I miss knit nite. I've gone just once this entire year?!?!?! I'm really really hoping to get to go next week, since this week didn't happen. Again.
7. Not new, but a reminder that there are just a few days left to use the Mad May coupon. Receive 20% off most IGK patterns in my ravelry shop when you use the coupon code: madmay Good through the end of the month.
Anything new for you guys? I'd love to hear :)
I really hope this week starts looking up....
Happy Knitting!
xoxo Irishgirlieknits