BMFA Barn Sale, November '07, chill out people, this is an old photo....hehehe...and obviously not all mine...hehehehehe
This is one of my favorite pictures of Christy! Now that is a best friend....someone who gets up early on a Saturday morning and drives 50 minutes or so with her friend to a "barn sale" for sock yarn and then stands guard over the pile of yarn while said friend continues to shop (who me? str? sale? shop? blushes) That is Christy in a nutshell. All with a smile on her face! In all fairness, I did wear the pink bridesmaid dress way back when and helped her bustle and unbustle her dress when needed :) so you know, it all works out.
So when I've just finished working on a scarf (thank you all for your compliments!!), and like some of you, sometimes I get sick of the scarf knitting (its typically got to be with really really pretty yarn to keep me engaged!). So when someone asks me to knit them something, on a deadline no less, well....let's just say I think long and hard about if I really want to. And if the requested handknit item is something that I once knit, and SWORE I would never knit again (granted that was five years ago when I was a newish knitter and said project took forever, but still), I really think long and hard.
There are only a few people, Christy being one of them, for whom I would knit this item for. Actually its for her cutie daughter whose having a "theme" birthday party in less than two weeks (eek!). Oh, and what am I knitting by the way....

Yeap. The neverending scarf (knit in the round, so really its two scarves, or lots and lots of hats!). Thank goodness I'm knitting the child size instead of Rowan's. I'm at 5 stripes out of 19. I so can finish this by next Monday or Tuesday (but poor Lil' Guy, I may never want to knit him one...well, as CupcakeFaerie pointed out tonight, maybe in five or six years when he's old enough to appreciate it I'll be ready to knit it again). I pray HotMama's kids don't ask for one soon!
No worries Christy! You are worth every stitch!! I just wish I could hand deliver the scarf! But I think this has earned me another visit up to Portland!! Hugs!!!
Happy Knitting!
xoxo Irishgirlieknits
Now THAT is a good friend - and I could be talking about you both - I man yarn guarding and scarf knitting earns you both an A in my book:)
You're a good friend :) And I recognise the top skein in that picture, it's now mine!
She's a lucky girl!
Did you really hate that scarf? I knit one for one of Chunky's old teachers three years ago and I loved it. But boring knitting amuses me. ;-)
Go to blockbuster and get lots of movies. Then just sit and knit all day. Of course, this plan assumes you have nothing else to do with your time!
Oh, just think of it as a very long leg of a sock, especially since you're knitting in the round anyway.
Good friends deserve good knitted items!
Great colors on that scarf - it truly look Harry Potterish!
Hey..nice tote ;) Yes, Christy is a great friend, don't know many non-knitters that would do that :)
Hehe..Flashback! My first circular project was that same scarf..but in red heart acrylic which squeaked like crazy! I learned a lot on that project. It hangs in daughters room..yeah..only worn on a scarecrow once...sigh
At least it's good tv, mindless knitting :)
I didn't read the fine print at first. I was going to faint at the amount of yarn you purchased.
Great friend!
I was just about to keel over at the mere thought of bringing all that STR home in one trip! I'd have brought a guardian, too. ;)
Oh, I'm so jealous! Wish I could go to that sale, too.
I made one of those scarves! IT. TOOK. FOREVER. It's THE knitting project that got me back into knitting. You are indeed a great friend to make such a thing. But those scarves are worth it in the end. And who knows . .. maybe that child will end up at the U of Minnesota-same colors-maroon and gold.
OMG!!!! I just checked quick to see what you were up to. WOW, it looks AWESOME! E will love it!!!! I wish you would have told me it is a lot of work, shoot, I have seen you knit in the movie theater before! Don't let her fool you people, she may have put back a skein or two but took a couple more. We filled 3 of those bags plus our arms were overflowing,...I tease because I love. :) So many beautiful items from that lovely yarn!
Thank you my dear. You are the best friend a girl has ever had! Yes, you have certainly earned another trip up here. We'll be down there before you know it. I feel honored to be your friend. I love you very much! THANK YOU!!!!
I hear you about that HP scarf. I made one adult size for DH and I bought enough yarn to make me one. Well, I started the second one but knitting in the round a scarf- oh is tedious.
Oh, God to I hear you on that! At least the striping helps move it along-especially when you can say you only have "x" more stripes to go. Then you can further subdivide into "x" more red stripes to go...Hang in there! I'm still working on my Waterfalls (now what was I going to correct on the toes?...) that have been sitting soooo close to being done-and only for good friends who appreciate us (they can't always comprehend the knitting part...)! So yeah-you go make Christy happy!
Now that is a friend that deserves some knitterly goodness!
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