Thursday, August 12, 2010

Almost Friday!

Puddles, staring at something in her cute pink bandana

Phew! It has been quite a busy week, and it looks like the next week or two are going to be even busier. Let's see if I can make a list of just a few things that will be happening....

1) 7 more sleeps til Stitches Midwest!! Yay! This of course brings on a whole other list of to-do's such as what knitting to pack, clothes to pack, how much room do I leave for yarn?, laundry, etc.

2) Taking 3 days off of work for vacation always seems to equal 3 extra days of work packed into the week before. The first few days of work next week are going to be crazy long. Long. Long.

3) One little cutie princess is turning 7 on Sunday! Bounce House birthday party this weekend is going to be her first party-party with kids from her class, family, etc. Her question tonight at dinner, "Wait. When will I get the presents?" Oh goodness.

4) Cupcakes shall be made this weekend. Lots of cupcakes. Cupcakes for the party, cupcakes for school.... well, and a cupcake or two for the maker of the cupcakes to eat, right? I'm still wavering between yummy homemade ones for the grown-ups at the party, or the from the box kind. Definitely from the box for school. I think it all is going to depend on when I have time to fit in a mani-pedi.

5) Knitting. So much knitting, so little time :) The pressure of Bellingrath is done! The pattern should be released very very soon and online too (before Stitches hopefully!). It is so nice to be knitting on whatever I want right now. Of course, that means I'm knitting my own Bellingrath Shawlette as the one I designed will be a sample that I have to give to Kollage. I think that is the hardest part of designing....sending the finished knits off....


But my shawlette will be this gorgeous blue skein of Sock-a-licious, so I'm quite happy.

6) Stephanie is further along on her Cotty socks then I am. I still haven't decided which color to use, plus now I'm thinking of using this gorgeous handspun that Thayer spun for me.


After all, it is named Fightin' Irish, and with just a few weeks left until Notre Dame kicks off their season...well, maybe I need some good luck socks this year! Seriously can't wait for football season to start!

7) I'm very certain I'm forgetting things for my list. It is going to be that kind of week.

Hope you all have exciting plans for the weekend!!!

Happy almost Friday!
xoxo Irishgirlieknits


pdxknitterati/MicheleLB said...

That sounds like a very full a very good way! Have fun and enjoy every minute.

peaknits said...

What a great week! Enjoy the weekend and the extra day off. That yarn, oh that yarn - you always have the most squishable goodies:)

Laura said...

Boy that blue yarn is squishy and gorgeous. Happy Friday to you!

SissySees said...

The upcoming week is always our busy week, but it's an even month, so that means one less meeting than in the odd months...

Enjoy! I wish Stitches East hadn't moved so far north. Baltimore was a do-able day trip.

Greengirl said...

You are a busy woman. We have an eight year old nephew that's having a bounce house party in a few weeks. When did kids stop being enamored of the big refrigerator boxes?

Enjoy Stitch Mid West - I've been trying to get some info on it and can't find an actual website. Any advice?

Peace and joy to you...

gMarie said...

Sounds like a lot of fun. That blue is lovely - I see mine all the time as my socks are on the back of the couch (what? that isn't where everyone keeps their handknit socks?)

Love Miss Puddles. She's stinkin' adorable. Enjoy the party. g

Neuroknitter said...

Wow!! busy, busy, indeedy!!

Happy birthday to the "cutie princess"!!

That blue yarn is lovely!!

Happy, happy Friday!!! Enjoy the weekend!!

Scrabblequeen said...

This post has it all! Cute dog, check, beautiful yarn, check, the idea of many cupcakes and a party, check...and an upcoming trip to Stitches! You're living the good life. Enjoy it all.

Rani said...

I would steal, beg etc. for that blue yarn. It is so beautiful.
