I had a booth with Deep South Fibers, my awesome wholesale distributor that helps get my IGK patterns into your local yarn stores. Here I am with Linda and Donna at the end of the weekend- I think we look pretty good for the end of a three day trade show.

I shared a booth this time with the lovely Pam Powers. Her designs are just stunning and I loved having time to hang out with Pam a bit more this year. Being able to spend time with other designers is one of my favorite things about TNNA. I always feel inspired for new designs and projects after TNNA.

Hard not to be inspired by Sarah, aka The Sexy Knitter, and her fabulous Downton Abbey-inspired couture outfit. Isn't it stunning?! Plus it is made with Anzula's lovely yarns.

Speaking of Anzula, here is Sabrina, the fabulous owner and dyer of Anzula yarns. I absolutely love working with these ladies and I can't wait to show you some of their new yarns that I came home with. Plus, I've revived one of my designs featuring their heavenly Cloud yarn since I've been home. Hoping to have this finished in time for Stitches West!

a little sneak peek
I really missed my roomies from the last TNNA, Anne and Erica. But I did stop by to say hi to Krist at Shalimar Yarns and was able to see some of Anne's designs in person.

Here is the lovely Sheltie Square (another fabulous pattern from Bare Naked Knits 2012 club, which reminds me to tell you that there is still time to sign up for BNK 2014), knit in Shalimar's gorgeous colors.

Look at Anne's gorgeous Leaving sweater in Shalimar Yarns Breathless DK. So gorgeous! I'm so excited to see more of Kristi's yarn at Stitches West this year (yes, they are coming!! first time!). Plus, they are celebrating 7 years in business with an awesome ShaliMarch event. Read all about it here.

Yes, TNNA is definitely awesome to see everyone in all their fabulous knits! And I loved seeing some IGK projects too. Maridee from The Yarnover Truck showed off her Wish I Might shawl. So pretty!

Here is cupcakefaerie's Silver and Bold in progress.

And SnBLeslie cranked out these Comfort Food fingerless gloves.

I'll admit I was a bit worried about going to TNNA so soon after finishing radiation. But I'm so glad my girlfriends encouraged me to go. It was just the right combination of vacation and IGK work. And I came home excited about new potential designs.
Happy Knitting!
xoxo Irishgirlieknits