Not an exciting list. Just a list. Let's say, a Catch-Up-Don't-Want-to-Forget-To-Tell-You List.
Here goes.
1. Its official. Summer is over. Back to the long days of work, school has started, meetings, meetings, teachers, kids, tutors, meetings. Today was one of those days. My email seems to explode when school starts.....and stays that way until June. Thank goodness I love my job
(and need money for sock camp).
2. On the plus side, college football season starts in less than two weeks. GO IRISH!!!
(I know Bezzie is with me on this one!)3. Caught up on my movies this weekend. Loved
Cold Comfort Farm, but really really really loved
this one.
Enough that I may put it on my Christmas list. Just a sweet, beautiful movie. I told my sister she may want to show this one to her 3rd graders. I think Puddles may secretly be a fox after seeing this movie. Oh, and I heard about both movies from my knitting friends. I heart my knitting friends.
4. Speaking of knitting friends, I'm really missing
Discoknits today (you ever have one of those days?!). I heart you Disco!
5. I've got 3 secret new design projects on the needles that I can't show you. Hopefully I can show you one soon. Because I fear the blog is not quite the same without the knitting, you know.
6. If you scroll on my sidebar, you'll see that sometime in the next week or so, the blog is going to have had 100,000 hits. Crazy, huh?! Granted, my family makes up for a good 10-20,000 of them, but still. Makes me really fear a boring blog as a result of #5 above.
7. Gearing up for September Smackdown, I vowed to get my exercise program in high gear. I am bound and determined to go snowboarding (well, more like fall-down-a-lot boarding, but wearing super-cute hats) this winter with Snowboarder
(there, I said it on the blog, it will happen!). That just isn't going to happen if I don't get my butt in gear. So, today, after a long day of work, I did something that was maybe a first (definitely a rare thing). I told Snowboarder I couldn't hang out with him because I had to go swim my laps at the pool before it closed at 8pm (to clarify, I ditch him all the time for things like knitting, but never for exercise). Even more surprising, I felt really good after the swim (still tired, but you know, good tired).
8. I'm also trying to get my reading mojo back. I figure this may help with the walking on the treadmill thing. I finally found a book that is making it easier to get the mojo back.
The Time Traveler's Wife
I've had the book for forever and really wanted to read it before I saw the movie (which I hear is good). Now let's see if I can finish the book before the movie leaves the theaters.
9. That's about as much of my secret sock that I can show you. I'm loving how the STR colorway ST-1 is knitting up. I promise to show you soon.
10. When we get to 100,000 hits, I'm thinking contest!!! Any contest ideas? I've got the yarny prizes!!
Happy almost Tuesday (because, really, today, I'm over the Happy Monday)!!
xoxo Irishgirlieknits