But before we jump to quickly to fall, let's finish up some summer socks!

Aren't these just about the sweetest things?! Little girl Cotty socks in STR Peek-a-boo Peony! I used the sport size with mediumweight yarn and they seem to fit Little Snowboarder (Snowboarder's cutie patootie 6-year old) just right!

Despite the 80 degree weather today, she wanted to wear one of her socks. Just one. Too cute!
Of course, Snowboarder's response, "That's right! They are so cute. Now ask her where daddy's hat is?" (sheesh, I promise him a hat and he wants it right away...or six months away....seriously! note to self: cast on soon. You promised him he'd have it after sock camp. That was in April.)
Now let's get back to talking about fall. Remember I mentioned we'd have a contest when the blog had 100,000 hits! Its time for that contest! This blog has brought me so much joy! I can't quite explain it, but I hope you all know that I appreciate you so very much! Thank you!
First, the big prize!

One lucky winner will receive all these goodies! 3 skeins of sock yarn and 3 of my sock patterns and a few other goodies!
All you need to do is leave a comment telling me about something you are looking forward to. If you want, you could also mention anything you'd look foward to reading about here on the blog (I'm always looking for blogging suggestions!).
I'll get us started.
I'm looking forward to a 3-day weekend!!
I'm looking forward to Notre Dame's opening football game on Saturday!! I'll be honest, I'm so looking forward to college football season that I may even watch ESPN's Thursday night Oregon vs. Boise St. game!
I'm looking forward to showing you my NEW sock pattern (notice the prize above includes 3 sock patterns!). I'll be sharing it soon!
I'm looking forward to this new cookbook coming out this fall. I found out about the Pioneer Woman from you guys! Thanks for that blog recommendation!
And I'm really looking forward to Cat Bordhi's new book! Her socks that I made at sock camp are probably my best fitting pair (and I knit them toe-up! get out!).
And how can I forget about fall tv! I'm sooooo looking forward to Glee, CSI, Grey's Anatomy, and quite a few others!! What about you?
Contest will be open for a week....until Wednesday, Sept. 9, at 9pm PST.
Happy Almost Fall!
xoxo Irishgirlieknits
Contest will be open for a week....until Wednesday, Sept. 9, at 9pm PST.
Happy Almost Fall!
xoxo Irishgirlieknits
The little socks are SO CUTE! :) That's a great colorway!! *adds it to her wishlist*
I'm looking forward to a lot of things... the 3-day weekend, my trip to Colorado in October, and my trip to Dallas in December. Yay for going home! :D
I'm looking forward to the long weekend, which starts a week off from work.
I'm looking forward to our band's gig at a local club on Sept 19th.
I'm looking forward to seeing a new design come to fruition in red. RED!
I'm looking forward to harvesting limes off our tree. They make the best Margaritas.
I'm looking forward to a beginning weaving class that starts next week.
I'm looking forward to my birthday, this weekend! And making good progress on the current project.
I'm looking forward to my trip home for Christmas, and to my first quilting swap!
Cute socks!
I'm looking forward to:
-Cat Bordhi's latest book
-finishing up my latest pair of socks
-casting on for a pair of socks for the boyfriend
-hanging out with the boyfriend this weekend
-and late night hot chocolate
I LOVE the little girl cottys!! So cute. I love the colors of your blog, and naturally, the doggies.
I'm looking forward to going to the Highland Games this weekend in Pleasanton...to cooler weather....to getting my copy of The Gentle Art of Deomesticty with my birthday Amazon gift card...
And, I look forward to continuing to come here and be amazed, humbled, and comfortable with you.
Look how adorable those summer socks look on the littlest snowboarder!
I'm looking forward to 2.5 more weeks of summer! (I'm trying to stay in the moment here. :))
Awesome prizes! You're going to make a lucky knitter very very happy. (No entry for me please.)
I'm looking forward to finishing my very first sweater for myself- Ondule (by Anne Hanson) out of Briar Rose yarn, both bought at Sock Summit! I can't wait!!
I'm looking forward to a vacation with my family (all 28 of us) over Thanksgiving. There will be tons of knitting time with my mom!
Yummy colorway and such a cute pattern love the cuff:)
I'm looking forward to my birthday next month and I bought some yummy yarns from another raveler in vampire and oxblood to knit some Halloween projects.
I'm looking forward to this weekend when I can sleep in and hopefully be knitting the dish rag for my team checking mailbox every day;)
I'm looking forward to casting on some cowls with my birthday yarn.Hugs and Happy 100,000 views and this is a fantastic giveaway:)Hugs Darcy
Oh - I'm looking forward to spring coming here in Australia
And I'm looking forward to the next Rockin' Sock Club shipment
I'm looking forward to school holidays with my kids starting tomorrow, and to my little girls act in the circus show this weekend.
I'm looking forward to seeing your new socks
I'm looking forward to opening a nice bottle of wine
and most of all, I'm looking forward to having a holiday with my family next week!
Congrats on 100,000 hits!! That is sooo cool!!! :)
Love the little Cotty socks!! Too cute on her!! :)
I'm looking forward to everything that comprises autumn: clear blue skies, leaves turning color, crisp mornings, ribbons of mist, going to the apple orchards, hot cocoa with whipped cream, PUMPKIN SPICE LATTES, apple cider, rosy cheeks, curling up with my knitting and a kitty, the release of the next installment of 'Twilight' in November, the Pioneer Woman cookbook for darn sure!!
Oh happy day!!!! Congrats on the hits!!
I'm looking forward to:
~pumpkin pie
~Stitches West in February
~Clara Parkes' latest book
~the end of my yarn diet!
I'm looking forward to Pumpkin Spice tea and all the fall tasty things with apples & pumpkins.
I'm looking forward to our October visit to Disneyland for a friend's birthday as I've never seen the Halloween decorations.
I'm looking forward all the fall colored yarns!
I'm looking forward to visit a new yarn shop tomorrow with my very best frien Wilma and treat myself with some new knitpick circulars and maybe some handdyed yarns!
I'm looking forward to a Craft fair in October! Lots of yarns there, yummie!
I'm looking forward to read your blog, it's so much fun to have a little peek in to someone's life, to share the happy and said times over such a distance.It feels very special.
And I'm looking forward to find me some special yarns for some very special socks to knit and wear this fall/winter.
Lovely socks. I will cast on another pair of Cottys later this year but first I will do a pair of Blackberry Brambles when my STR Mochaberry arrives.
I am looking forward to:
1. Iftar dinner with the family tonight. Iftar is the traditional breaking of fast for Muslims during the holy month of Ramadan. It's been a while since we all had a nice dinner out and this should be good.
2. Evaluation in Photography class tomorrow - I selected my two photos for the critique. Got them printed on matt paper and they look great, if I say so myself.
3. Knitting meet up at Jackie's place tomorrow where we wil have guys from India bringing in their silk yarn which they want to sell. We already placed advanced orders and I can't wait to see them. I can't wait to get together and catch up with my knitting group too!
4. The end of summer. It's just dragging on for too long and I can't wait to get out to the beach and the park without the risk of getting dehydrated.
5. My very first order of Miss Babs Yummy Sock Yarn! Yay! I got the Frog Belly Monochrome Sock and four skeins of the Tiffany Solo.
Exciting times ahead for knitting!
Wow, you are feeling very generous today :)
I'm looking forward to going on holidays to France tomorrow.
... and my best friend coming to visit for a week in October!
I'm looking forward to trying my hand at another sweater. I'm also looking forward to finishing up some gift knits so I can selfishly knit!
Little Snowboarder's socks are so cute! And she CLEARLY has her own sense of style already - which I Love.
What am I looking forward to? Cooler weather (December here), making a first sweater for me, and a couple of three day weekends.
I'd love for you to share tips about scoring high end yarns! I'd love to get my hands on some Mama Blue or Bugga! Your stash is to be envied! How do you do it?
I might watch tonight too--but only b/c I hope that Oregon will Stomp Boisie State. I freaking HATE them. They give small schools a bad name with their (normally) cupcake schedules and arrogance. I'm not bitter--LOL!
Love the socks! And wuhahahhhaha to Snowboarder for getting her to work you for another hat! (One of the perks to having kids! Hee hee!)
Oh, I guess I'm supposed to say what I'm looking forward to--SUNDAY! CSU v. CU, buffalo burgers from the farmer's market, and little Moochie rocking his CSU onesie!
Very cute socks - they sized down nicely.
I'm looking forward to more of your beautiful vacation photography.
I'm looking forward to cooler nights and the leaves changing colour.
I'm looking forward to getting back on the exercise wagon.
I'm looking forward to Glee!
I'm looking froward to learning how to knit socks (they've always seemed a bit scary to me). This prize could be just the thing...
I'm looking forward to going on my first date in a bajillion years. And I'm looking forward to a cool winter knitting with my new best friends.
I'm looking forward to ... cold weather, Thanksgiving (loves me some turkey), getting a loom (someday) and the return of real tv!
What a cutie pie....wearing one sock! Little girl Cotty's are very cute!
I'm looking forward to the local fiber fest we have in a nearby town. I usually have a booth there but this year I'm not, I'm taking my daughter with me to enjoy the weekend. The festival is usually mid to late September, the mornings are crisp, and it's a perfect time to bring out the newly knitted items of winter. This is what kicks off fall for me!
I'm looking forward to your new sock pattern! I love the others so much I can't wait to see #3!
I'm also looking forward to knitting my first shawl and I'm making it with Woobu which I will be using for the first time, so I'm excited about that too.
Congrats on the hits! That's very exciting1
Congrats on 100,000 hits!!! I'm looking forward to the upcoming long weekend with lots of knitting time.
I'm looking forward to a little cooler weather, so that I can carry on my wisteria pullover. I'm looking forward to the weekend in one and a half week, as I'm heading to Dublin, and I'm looking forward to tonights yoga-class to stop my lower back from aching!
Last but not least (a non-paid advertisement here) I'm looking forward to my "knitting sock with hand-painted yarn"-book to arrive; I ordered it from book depository a while a go, and since it didn't arrive within 3 weeks, they promised to replace it. Their reply on my "where's my book?"-email was really prompt and kind :) Go good customer service!
Those socks are super cute!
In MD, the weather gave us a taste of fall this week, and now I'm looking forward to the season showing up in earnest. I'm totally ready for apples and pumpkin picking and hiking when the leaves start to turn.
100,000 hits? That's awesome!
Love the socks - they are super-cute.
I'm looking forward to being onstage this fall for the first time in 11 years - since before I got married!
I'm looking forward to
Southwick knit in this afternoon
Our grandson's 1st soccer game of the season
Watching fall arrive over the lake
Motor homing to Florida for a few week vacation
Seeing my sister in Florida
Congrats on 100 000 and those socks are adorable! I look forward to my morning coffee, every morning. Mmmm, coffee!
100,000 is amazing! Congrats!
I'm looking forward to the cooler fall days, the changing leaves, Halloween, and Grey's season premier tonight!!! ;-)
Here's to the next 100,000 hits!
Love the colorway of those socks!
Congratulations on your 100,000 hit!
I am looking forward to visiting Vermont and seeing the leaves change.
I am looking forward to the last season of Lost!!!
I'm looking forward to Rhinebeck Sheep and Wool.
I'm looking forward to wearing all the knits I've made over this past spring/summer. Especially Socks!!! Looking forward to your new pattern!
I'm looking forward to finishing and wearing a new wool sweater! Also, curling up in a warm house with a blanket and a sock project :)
What am I looking forward to?
Fall - love the cool, but not cold, weather. And I love watching the leaves change colors.
The 3-day weekend is always a welcomed one too.
The Fall line-up on TV
And last but not least -
I've been looking forward to fall because we are taking our first real family vacation to Disney World in less that 3 weeks!! It's been planned for months and seemed like it would never get here. I am even looking forward to the 12 hr car ride to Orlando. (Knitting time of course!) I really enjoy your blog, too. It's definitely one of my favorites to visit. I've been eying the Cotty Pattern for a while. I've seen so many great socks made from it. I think I may have to buy it very soon!!
holyc rap you must tell me where snowboarder's cutie daughter shops for her sneakers! I LOVE THOSE! what brand are they and please for the love of all things good tell me they make them in women's size 9.
i love the cotty socks i need to make a pair, seriously.
I'm looking forward to:
Seeing the leaves change
the kids' first Halloween Trick-or-Treating
Christmas in our new house
A pile of finished quilts and possibly opening my etsy shop back up
I'm looking forward to some knitting on the long weekend. Work and school and dog training don't leave nearly enough knitting time. I'm looking forward to more blogging about knitting on your site also.
Colleen in Kansas
Those are some cute socks! I may need to knit some more Cotties as Xmas gifts.
I am looking forward to lots of things: Stitches Midwest next week (can't go to crazy in the Marketplace, after Sock Summit. Just sayin'), my sister's wedding in October, the holidays coming up being celebrated in my new house with my bf. Lots of things.
Thanks so much for the contest. What a fantastic prize!
Congrats on 100K hits!
I'm looking forward to taking a class from Cat Bordhi next week at the Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival, but most of all, I can WEAR my socks again! - it has been too warm to wear them in the summer.
What a sweet color you chose for those socks.
What am I looking forward to? Kind of like you, but I am looking forward to watching the Hokies play football this weekend - woohoo for college football. I am thinking I should pull out some sock yarn with Virginia Tech colors and cast on :)
Awesome contest prize!!!
I'm looking forward to my birthday, which is now in exactly 19 days... OK maybe not so much with longing but a touch of trepidation as the second digit turns to a 5...
I'm looking forward to my knitting mojo returning this weekend, I have some knitting projects to complete!
I am looking forward to...
finishing some of my Holiday Knitting... too many on the needles now, making me crazy...
... getting my 1st Yarn Shipment from 3IG
... time with friends!
cute socks!!!
I'm looking forward to knitting up my Gothsocks yarn. I have Christmas knitting to do, plus I've been making concerted efforts to just finish up all the UFOs sitting about, but I have brand new Gothsocks, and if I don't knit with it soon, I'll bust!
wow, what a great prize!
i am looking forward to a trip to Napa Valley for my birthday in October, a possible work trip to Mexico City in November, and fall in general, as it's my favorite season. oh, and pumpkin spice lattes at Starbucks (I know they're available already, but I don't drink them until it really starts getting fall-ish!)
I so cannot wait for the new episodes of Greys, Fringe, Bones, House, the list is endless! I also love the cool weather...
I am looking forward to:
My new Pilates class
Our local knitters fair in a couple of weeks
Taking the kids to Disney in November
My new niece or nephew in January
Lovely socks, lovely blog.
I'm looking forward to my birthday! Which is on September 27th. That and knitting more socks or Christmas gifts.
I'm looking forward to a sister vacation in a few weeks.
I'm looking forward to cool weather so I can start jogging.
I'm looking forward to the long weekend, definitely.
I'm looking forward to seeing my friend's band play tomorrow night.
I am TOTALLY looking forward to RHINEBECK! knitters/wool/food/fall- ahhh!
I'm looking quite forward to it NOT being 105 degrees every day here in Texas! I'm also looking forward to weather that inspires wooly knits instead of discourages them :)
I'm looking forward to my 21st birthday on September 16th :)
It feels like fall here. I'm in black capris with a shirt I usually wear with white ones... I can clearly hear my stepmom saying no white AFTER Labor Day, but what happens when Labor Day is about as late in the calendar year as it can be?
I'm looking forward to the beach. We're off-season folks, and I can't wait to watch Sissy chase sand crabs and see what Gretchen does.
I'm looking forward to fall food, finishing my deadline knitting, the new season of SYTYCD, and sock camp of course.
i am looking forward taking a class on the central park hoodie!!!!
i am also looking forward to amking even more progress on my WIP's. i have finished 5 in the last few weeks. YEAH!
Oh gosh, those socks are super cute and I love that she only wanted to wear one! I'm looking forward to a long weekend and (hopefully) finishing up a sweater. And congrats on your 100,000 milestone!!
I'm looking forward to -
Cooler weather! I so dislike hot.
High School football home games (I go to see the marching band).
Marching band competitions.
I'm looking forward to many things this Fall. I am most looking forward to the Plucky Knitter and Jared Flood coming to my local yarn shop. Yippee!
I am looking forward to the neighbor BBQ we're hosting on Saturday.
I'm looking forward to the possibility of making a wedding shower gift shawl in a week [I've now just cursed that;-)]
I'm looking forward to Dottie Jo having more off leash time since she seems to be calming down a little and getting better behaved.
I'm looking forward to the 3 day weekend as well- although I have to work most of it :) I'm also looking forward to your new sock pattern- I love Cotty so much :)
I am looking forward to cool weather, dressing in layers, and using my woolies. I am looking forward to finishing more knitting projects and the joy of starting new ones. I am looking forward to pleasant surprises.
I'm looking forward to the Jacksonville QuiltFest '09. Oh, and I'm looking forward to winning the scrumptious sock yarn on your blog. Thanks for sharing your knitting with us.
Blogless Mary Lou
Holy crap, lady. You gots a lot of comments to sort through. :)
100,000 hits is a most momentous occasion. You should celebrate by knitting a scarf 100,000 yards long. I wonder how much yarn that would take? I'm looking forward to you doing that. :) I'm also very much looking forward to FINISHING MY FRICKING PHD which will happen before next summer. Very very much looking forward to that.
I'm really looking forward to re-starting knitting on my February Lady Sweater now that I finally got through buying a house and the weather is turning cool again. I can finally stomach the thought of sitting under a mound of wool yarn.
I'm also looking forward to planning my fair knitting for next year, after doing well this year
I have a friend who is might be coming down for the weekend for a visit. Since I moved away just over a year ago, I'm SUPER excited about the possibility! I'm also looking forward to finishing up somethings around the house that have been in need of repair and my spa ball class at the gym!
I'm looking forward to fall colors!
Love the socks on little snowboarder - too cute!
Look forward to wearing the scarves I knit this spring, making some cute hats for the 2 rugrats, enjoying some quality knitting time just for me and eating apple cider donuts from the apple farm -YUM!
Loved the berry recipes this summer-maybe you can tempt me with some delish fall favorites!!
I love the little snowboarder socks and also her rockin' shoes. They are perfect together!
I'm really looking forward to this weekend. I get to go home to MN ot see my family. We're going to both the MN Ren Faire and the MN State Fair while I'm there and I'm VERY excited about that.
I'm really looking forward to this weekend. I get to go home to MN ot see my family. We're going to both the MN Ren Faire and the MN State Fair while I'm there and I'm VERY excited about that.
The socks are cute I love the colorway.
I'm looking forward to each and every day. I've started a new job so each step I'm taking is a new one. Congrats on the blog. Keep up the great work I enjoy reading it.
Thank you for your awesome blog! You are without a doubt one of my absolute favorite bloggers. Thank you!! :)
I am looking forward to so much . . .
--fall tv: Biggest loser, Grey's Anatomy, The Office to name a few
--Autumn weather and the changing leaves
--our 5 year wedding anniversary and weekend away to celebrate
--the new things my son is learning every day
--knitting with wool again once the heat and humidity has cleared
--all of the winter knits I am now dreaming about making
I'm looking forward:
to finishing my summer knits, so I can start my fall ones.
to fall nights cool enough to justify lighting the fireplace.
to my kids starting school (they don't start until next Tuesday and frankly, they are driving me crazy!)
to the start of the hockey season (go Flames!!) and two hours of knitting time per game (more if they go into OT)
to the Tragically Hip concert in 3 weeks
Lots of other things that make winter (from November to April) in Calgary tolerable - red wine, chinooks, good books, the arrival of Blue Moon sock kits, Sunday morning sleep - ins....
I'm looking forward to spending my fall days in Florence, where I am studying this semester!
I'm looking forward to:
- my girls' soccer games that are not played in 87-105F heat. Blech.
- fall BMFA colorways
- November 'cause it's my favorite month. ;)
PS. Those Peek-a-Boo Peony Cottys are tres adorable.
Hmmm . . . things I'm looking forward to . . .
I have a nice long 4 and half day weekend ahead,
getting my sewing table back (it just to hard using the machine on the floor),
going to the renaissance festival
and hopefully getting some crafty time in at some point
I'm looking forward to the start of College Football myself-Go Purdue! (Although I did grow up in a Notre Dame house!) I'm also looking forward to settling back into a routine (My youngest starts Pre K 3 days a week next Wed.), which this will equal a little knitting time for me! And I am looking foward to the fall weather and all the colors that come with it here in Indiana!
Oh and I just cast on last night for my first pair of Cotty's!
I'm looking forward a nice lunch today. Any further than that and I start getting a headache. Too many appointments, chores and bills in the next few weeks.
I'm looking forward visiting my parents later this month! And to Rhinebeck in October! And moving to Seattle next year! And starting grad school after that!
I tend to be a lurker but I thought I would tell you what I am looking forward to. I am looking forward to Football season, sweatshirts, wool socks and hot chocolate. I really enjoy your blog.
Looking forward to school starting, Tuesday!
Finishing the many pairs of sock on the needles, I have a case of second sock syndrome.
Knitting up my new Knit Picks City Tweed yarn.
Fall camping. Love the colder weather.
Congrats on the 100,000 visits!
I am looking forward to a lot of things too, but they all pale to looking forward to my son coming home from Iraq. Until that happens nothing else seems that important. Great giveaway though!! :) Thanks for doing it!!
I am looking forward to finishing my first pair of toe-ups and spending time with my son. It has been so wonderful diving into the world of yummy sock yarns!
Fall is my favorite time of year as well....that "snuggly" feeling is starting to be cast ovr our home.
I'm looking forward to boarding an airplane next Thursday and spending 5 days in and around London with some knitterly friends.
Look at all your comments! Look at all the people who love to see what you're up to and to be inspired by your travel and knits! Congrats on your wonderful blog anniversary.
I look forward to more pictures and stories of all your knitting and travel adventures!!
ps. WHERE did she get those darling shoes!!!!!!!
Cute socks, especially when paired with such awesome sneakers!
I'm looking forward to a trip to the apple orchard, hosting a pumpkin carving party, and our local Oktoberfest celebration. Hurray for fall! Plus I'm DYING to wear the cabled cardi I knit last spring.
I'm looking forward to my son's wedding on the beach in Maui in January!!!!
I am looking forward to my 30th birthday! (October 17th)
I am looking forward to Fall and cooler days and cold nights and rain and gray skies and knitting watching Miss Marple mysteries.
I am looking forward to my back feeling better so I can knit something other than this drop stitch scarf on size 17 needles, especially since I just bought a Chinook Shawl kit from Knitpicks and extra on sale lace yarn for a Muir stole.
I am looking forward to one best friend moving back to my city (just a few more days!) and another returning from China (soon, I hope!).
I am looking forward to winning your contest (fingers crossed)!
Cute socks! I am looking forward to a 3 day weekend. Then it will be less than a week until my wedding anniversary. And I am looking forward to the next Woolgirl Sock Club shipment!
I am looking forward to
-My oldest going back to school so I can get a bit of a break
-Hearing back about some designs I sent in to be published.
-Cooler weather so i can wear some knitwear
-Maybe winning that gorgeous yarn you're offering.
i am looking forward to cooler weather-it has been hot hot and dry for 4 months. Then I can wear my socks again-and the new ones I knit this summer!Of course there is lots more knitting to do anad with all the new and not so new fibres and patterns.
1. Fall weather.
2. My sister-in-law's wedding this weekend.
3. Finishing some WIPs and starting some new things.
4. Reading lots of books with a cup of cocoa.
5. Daydreaming.
I grew up an hour from Notre Dame, so I am a fan too. I'm looking forward to college football - I always look forward to your FO shots!
Holy cow girl!! You've got some comments! :) Congrats on the 100,000 hits, who knew way back when! Cute wee Cotty's! Hehe..poor snowboarder.
Looking forward to my daughter learning to drive..gulp..really I am ;)
I am looking forward to the change in seasons. I just moved to Colorado from California so I can't wait for a COLD fall and winter where I actually need my scarves and gloves I worked so hard on!
Autumn is my favorite season!!! I am looking forward to watching the Patriots, well, really, all NFL football ;), Halloween, apple picking, Pumpkin Spice Lattes, Knitting winter sweaters, jumping in piles of leaves, the smell of wood stoves, haunted hayrides, wearing knitted items, Fall TV- Grey's (izzy is driving me bonkers, though!), House, Bones, Glee...snuggling w/ a blanket and reading w/ hot tea...the list could go on and on!
Congrats on 100,00 hits!
I am looking forward to Roanoke NoSo Knit, which has a very special entry fee - A knitted item to be donated to charity! I need to finish up the hat for that.
Also looking forward to my knitting weekend getaway with my mom. We are going to SAFF in October!
I am looking forward to finishing up some knitting commissions and getting back to personal knitting! :)
Love your blog!
I am looking forward to returning to a bit more of a regular schedule, when school starts back here, on Tuesday!
Those Peek-a-boo Peony socks are so sweet!
I'm looking forward to going out to dinner with my sweetie tonight. We are celebrating three years together!
I'm looking forward to kicking this cold in time to enjoy the long weekend with the family.
And, as strange as it sounds, I am kinda looking forward to surgery at the end of the month only because they promise I will breathe better! LOL
Hey there!
I'm looking forward to finishing my Shawl that Jazz, it seems to be taking forever! I am looking forward to the snow flying. I'm looking foward to getting started on all of my holiday projects. And, I a have to agree, I am also looking forward to The Pioneer Woman's Cookbook. Can't wait until it comes out.
Love your blog, thanks for a great contest.
Those socks are awesome! How about we make a deal -- you knit Snowboarder the hat you promised for April, I knit Mr. Batty the sweater I promised to knit 2 years ago?
I look forward to the upcoming crazy D&D weekend. Gaming just as we did when we were in high school. Yay.
And I look forward to actually knowing how to ply yarn. I had a spinning lesson today, it's going really well, but I have yet to ply anything.
I'm looking forward to Fall weather, the new TV season, College Football and finally starting to knit projects for me!!
Love the socks! So precious!
As for what I'm looking forward to, (and yes, this is a blatant suck up for Snowboarder, just because I know he'll like it)...
Seeing Snowboarder model his new hats you'll be making him this fall and winter. I'm sure he'll be more than willing to pose for the camera with that gameshow style grin of his. =D
I'm looking forward to cooler weather and wearing all my hand knits. Oh and pumpkins.
I'm looking forward to...
1) My cat coming home (she ran away when our apartment complex caught on fire.)
2) Starting a new job (I was offered the position this morning!)
3) My one-year wedding anniversary in October.
4) Possibly going home for Thanksgiving or Christmas.
5) Fall!
6) Michigan State Football!!
I am so looking forward to the new TV season this fall. GLee is on top of my list... I was giddy all day thinking about it...Will is hot!
I'm looking forward to graduating from grad school in May.
Just found your blog about a month ago - I've really been enjoying it!!
I'm looking forward to knitting up my recently acquired STR and finishing the baby blanket I've been working on.
I'm looking forward to being able to sleep like a normal person again and get stuff done.
I'm looking forward to teaching all of the knitting classes this fall.
I'm looking forward to going to the farmer's market, and some Fall Fests.
I'm so glad it's fall!
The socks are really sweet, one sock, I just had to giggle at that one. I love 3 day weekends and its supposed to cool down - Yipee!!! I will go to my favorite coffee house to knit and perhaps go to a street fair. Your contest is so generous, these are yarns that I've read about and would LOVE to try. Thank you for your generosity.
Love the little cotties. Me - I'm looking forward to bringing my Beau home. He had emergency surgery for bloat and is doing well. He ate hamberger tonight. I just want to bring him home and cuddle with him.
Oh and Fall tv is always good. g
I am looking forward to the crisp Midwestern weather, to finishing my first cable sweater (Central Park Hoodie), to making my first pair of mittens (for my baby niece), to seeing the changing fall colors, and to life slowing down.
Your socks are adorable. I have knit 3 pair of socks and still can't seem to get the fit right. I look forward to one day knitting a pair of socks that fit.
Love reading your blog.
I'm looking forward to watching my little man grow and change and learn new things everyday. He'll be 6 months soon.
hmmm...I'm most looking forward to celebrating my 40th birthday by completing the Chicago Marathon.
But tonight, I'm looking forward to my husband taking the boys fishing so I can watch Trinny and Susannah while I finish knitting a sweater!
Congratulations on the 100,000 hits...I am blogless myself, but have enjoyed reading!
What a sweet pair of Cottys! Luck mini-boarder! I always look forward to your new sock patterns. Right now, I am looking forward to starting a new quilt project and for the new Michele Wildgen book to be released in October.:)
Those socks are SO cute! Im currently making Cotty socks for me with some Socks that Rock that was gifted to me by a great friend :) AWesome!
Im looking forward to fall leaves, getting back to teaching, running in cooler weather, and watching some late night fall TV!
Have a great day!
I'm looking forward to: Sunday Football games, apple picking and making homemade apple sauce, warm apple cider and cocoa, more knitting and quilting time,the smell of food cooking in the slow cooker, knitting my first sweater and my favorite holiday- Thanksgiving. Don't change a thing on your blog, your knitting mixed with the cooking inspires me. Congrats on your blog hits.
I'm looking forward to cooler weather, the leaves turning color, time to knit more socks, university students returning--I'm a librarian--and cooking (and eating!) more cool weather foods like pot roast.
I am looking forward to your new sock pattern! And fall...I love this time of year.
Have a great weekend!
I'm looking forward to travelling with work with my dog, visiting a new village and for reading your blog! I'm new to your blog and am enjoying it already :)
I'm looking forward to taking part in the biggest party I've ever been to.
I'm joining 5999 other members of Girlguiding UK at Crystal Palace for the launch party for the 100th birthday of Girlguiding.
Let's see. I am sitting here, looking forward to a friend's visit for the weekend. I am so looking forward to the Fall season on t.v. I am tired of nothing on. I am looking forward to finishing this baby sweater before the baby gets here. My friend's granddaughter is due to hatch in 3 weeks. And I look forward to less yard work, and more time to knit.
I'm looking forward to Stitches Midwest next week. And a weekend away with my husband at the end of the month for our 25th anniversary! Also finishing my pair of Cotty socks!
I'm looking forward to seeing my nephew for his 3rd birthday this weekend. I'm also looking forward to Cat's book (maybe I'll finish that second sock from camp this weekend, ha!)
I'm looking forward to seeing your new pattern -- and to nights cool enough that I need an extra blanket in order to sleep with the window open!
I'm looking forward to wearing my own Cotty's (I just finished sock #1 last night and I'm into the cuff of #2 today). I'm looking forward to seeing the little smiles on my brand new grandson, age 15 days today! And I'm looking forward to fall planting (and less watering!) Thanks for the chance to win a great looking prize....
I'm looking forward to wearing handknits, to walks in crisp leaves, to reading more good books, and an all girl trip to SAFF with my mom and my favorite aunt in October!
Congrats on your blog. I love reading it, and your knitting inspires us all!
I am looking forward to a relief from the 60+ days over 100 degrees each and no rain in sight weather that we have had in Texas. It even rained tonite and dropped to 71 at 9 pm! I am looking forward to lots of good napping weather. I am looking forward to graduating from yoga teacher training school in December. I am looking forward to winning your contest!! :} janita
I'm looking forward to finishing my fall sweater.
I'm looking forward to going to bed.
I'm looking forward to having a room filled with kindergarten students that AREN'T sick.
I'm looking forward to my next pair of socks.
I'm looking forward to your next sock pattern.
I'm looking forward to a nice relaxing weekend.
Congratulations on the hits! I'm sure I'm not the only "lurker" who is so appreciative of your blog.
I'm looking forward to knitting a pair of socks for each of my new co-teachers at school.
I'm looking forward to the 2009 Shophop at the end of September.
I'm looking forward to re-starting my knitting club at school. The kids are already asking - - - and there are quite a number of new boys in the group.
I'm looking forward to finally learning how to knit socks--I have been trying but it takes a while for it to stick with me. I know I can do it. I'm also looking forward to cooler weather and much more knitting!!!
Adorable socks! i'm looking forward to some knitting time and time with my boyfriend who's in from CA!
I am also looking forward to football (and love the Irish!)! Also reading this book - Made from Scratch - http://www.amazon.com/Made-Scratch-Discovering-Pleasures-Handmade/dp/160342086X/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1252182176&sr=8-1
I am looking forward to knitting outside when the weather cools and watching my kids in football and color guard! I love the fall!
I am looking forward to closing on our first house in 10 days!!! I am a ball of anxiety, moving with a 4 year old and a 2 year old-but OH I am so excited. My husband and I have dreamed of this for so long
I am looking forward to closing on our first house in 10 days!!! I am a ball of anxiety, moving with a 4 year old and a 2 year old-but OH I am so excited. My husband and I have dreamed of this for so long
I'm looking forward to cooler weather.
I'm looking forward to Diana Galbadon's new book, coming out on 9/22.
I'm looking forward to lots of knitting time. :)
Those little Cotty socks are SO cute!
A few things I'm looking forward to (in no particular order):
Rhinebeck next month.
Cat Bordhi's new book.
Autumn and everything that goes with it.
The return of the fall season of TV (so many great shows returning ;))
Cute socks -- and my daughter would love, love, love to have those shoes!
I'm looking forward to the start of football season (not because I actually watch, but because hubby does and I can knit uninterrupted!), my little girl starting preschool, the first time I feel the little one inside me move, and watching my son learn to play basketball -- it's going to be a busy fall!
I'm looking forward to the release of the new Diana Gabaldon novel in the Outlander series. I hope it's as good as the rest!
I'm glad your blog makes you happy. You post some beautiful work (which makes me happy)! I look forward to a vacation in October, the first "real one" in years. Grey's, crisp fall NE weather, more baking and some fall hiking! Also looking forward to seeing more patterns from you!
150 comments!!! Go Carrie :0)
love the little snowboarder socks - I finished my baby cotties on Friday - too cute. Will send you pics soon.
Looking forward to getting over a cold. I get the whole day in bed today, yay DH :0). Looking forward to cold weather. And Hubbs being here next month. And work (eventually!). And our community craft sale (goodbye stash!). And knitting a FLS at last. Wow, didn't realize how much I had to look forward to!!! What a great cheerer upper you are :0) :0)
Looking forward to not working- also to pizza from a wood fired pizza oven at a friends house!
looking forward to... a lazy Sunday Afternoon nap.... a clean kitchen.... and more space in the Yarn Room!
I'm looking forward to finishing my first knitted vest (how did I take so long to start one? almost instant gratification when you knit no sleeves) and hanging out by the pool on this last pool weekend.
Fall means looking forward to being outside walking/jogging or riding my bike without swatting bugs away and sweating like crazy (I'm in SC!). And being able to sit in the cool air and knit without the yarn attaching itself to my fingers will be great! I'm always looking forward to new knits and adventures on your blog!
long time lurker... i'm looking forward to wearing my handknit socks this fall! lovely blog!
I'm looking forward to Stitches Midwest!
I am looking forward to having our current round of house reno's finished, and having time to knit!
Love the socks. =)
I'm looking forward to cooler evenings, finally getting some rain, and Halloween candy. Oh, and the release of the STR holiday colors.
I'm looking forward to going home to my parents' house and seeing my dog next weekend.
I'm looking forward to knitting with some LSS for the first time! My mother wanted legwarmers and wristwarmers and a scarf for Christmas, so I'm very happy to oblige.
Also looking forward to finishing some socks for my friend, he's been waiting patiently while I've been working on them.
We're doing fall cleaning at home, and it'll be great to go through all of our clutter and get rid of the stuff we no longer need.
Finally, I'm looking forward to meeting with a friend of mine from Germany! She'll be attending college in my state for a semester, so we're both looking forward to visiting and having fun together.
I am looking forward to getting the kitchen refurbished. I will be much happier about cooking when the kitchen looks the way I want it to look.
I am looking forward to another month of smack and the healthy lifestyle it brings!
Also looking forward to kid's fall sports games and settling into a schedule instead of guessing what it will be like!
I really do love the newness that fall brings but fear the winter that follows. one season at a time!
Congrats on 100k and dont put me in the contest! i had a big win recently...looking forward to that arrival this week!
I'm looking forward to more awesome patterns from you.
I'm looking forward for this grief in my heart to ease up from the death of my dear daughter and before that my husband.
I'm looking forward to still maybe moving to Idaho.
I'm looking forward to dating again, and finding my next hubby. (know anyone?).
I'm looking forward to giving praise to all of Gods Blessings that he has given me and will give me in my future.
I'm looking forward to the first snowfall!
I'm looking forward to my trip to Ft.Knox with my sister to see her son graduate Army basic & training.
I'm looking forward to my piano students returning this week.
I'm looking forward to making a dent in my sock yarn stash.
And I am looking forward to a 2nd grandbaby in April. ;)
I'm looking forward to going hiking in the redwoods with my sister in two weeks! I'm also looking forward to the Lambtown USA fair in Dixon, CA! It's the first weekend in October, and I've never been to a sheep-related festival before.
I am looking forward to the day my Mom can leave assisted living to her home, walk on her own again and live the life she wants and deserves.
Oh my gosh Carrie, my inner child is positively swooning over Little Snowboarder's shoes!!
I'm looking forward to: second week at my new job, after being out of work for over a year! And my kids both have fall birthdays - 11 next week, and 7 next months, which is lots of fun and we're so excited for!
I'm looking forward to starting a new job next week. (More money for yarn! Woohoo!)
I'm also looking forward to Rhinebeck next month.
And, in the future, I'm looking forward to maybe getting a puppy of my very own, if our landlord approves and if we can find just the right one!
love those socks! and her tennis shoes ~ gotta get me some cute shoes!
looking forward to winter!!! yep winter! we finally moved to a place that gets SNOW ~ send me snow :)
Finishing an enourmous blanket I am knitting for my youngest son.
I am looking forward to pumpkin spice doughnuts and pumpkin spice lattes.... and all the gorgeous fall colors.... and having my Mom closer for the holidays!!!
I'm just back from visiting my sister so I'm looking forward to:
1. Fall: Getting back to blogging
2. The Skein Lane Retreat in October
3. Casting on a new sweater
4. Debuting my Cotty socks soon!
5. Fall weather
Let's see, things I'm looking forward to. Here's a quickie list:
1. getting back in to a regular exercise routine. We have a goal of hiking up to Camp Muir on Mt. Rainier in May.
2. finishing some knitting projects and making more time to knit - autumn always feels like a return.
3. the new season of NCIS and it's new spin off :)
4. my mum coming on Thursday
I am looking forward to fall. Everything about fall- the look, the smell, the sound of the leaves falling, the chill in the air, the fact that I can wear my fabulous handknitted socks, and- of course- football!
Those socks are adorable btw!
i look forward to actually finishing mates to some of my lonely single socks...of course, they aren't THAT lonely as they have lots of company.
I'm so glad I came upon your blog for this contest. Got your awesome sock pattern with my Plucky Knitter shipment--I'm looking forward to casting on for them. I'm also going raspberry picking with some friends tomorrow (weather permitting) and I'm looking forward to all the yummy things I can make with fresh raspberries.
I am looking forward to cool, crisp days with sunshine, baking apple crisp with fresh apples and knitting in my chair by the fire with fall colors.
I'm looking forward to these two books: Book of Wool by Clara Parks and 99 Yarns & Counting by Green Mountain Spinnery, both due out next month. Enjoy reading your blog. I'm an RSS subscriber.
Yolande in NB
I'm looking forward to going to my cousin's wedding this month.
I'm looking forward to starting True Blood season 1 (now that I've finally gotten my hands on the DVD).
Cute mini Cottys! And I am SO in love with Peek-a-boo Peony!
I missed the contest (*SNIFF*) as I was on vacation, but I'm looking forward to CSI, Bones, Dollhouse, and The Office. And I'm REALLY looking forward to cooler weather. It's still hitting the high 90s here!
The Peek-a-Boo Peonies are so cute in the Cotty for Lil' Snowboarder! LOVE (1000)!
I am excited that football is here! Go Buffs! And I am going to my first ever knitting vacation to Cat Bordhi's Retreat. I would love to be knitting one of your sock patterns there,
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