On the knitting front, well, its a bit all over the place. And daylight savings has thrown my project pictures (it is sooooo dark when I get home!).
I did turn this lovely Madelinetosh Worsted, colorway Copper Penny....

...into this. An Uncle Frank hat. Its actually done, but again, no pictures yet.

Oh, and the super cute project bag you ask? Piddleloop. I don't know how I've resisted buying more with her shop being recently updated! So many cute project bags still available!! Eek!

I don't think I've shown you this Uncle Frank sock either? It is already packed for my trip to Pt. Ludlow (along with, oh, maybe 3 or 4 other projects!). STR mediumweight, colorway Bella Coola
I'll be checking in soon. I promise.
Happy Knitting!!
xoxo Irishgirlieknits
Thanks Carrie for your link to those lovely project bags, just the answer to my question. Knowing myself, I'm gonna make some myself!
It's a miracle that you still find the time to knit so much with such a heavy program! Have a lovely knitting weekend!Pictures!!!
Oooh! Are you going to release the hat as a pattern, too :) ?
Shoot I'm drooling over your Great Pumpkin bag!!! Too cute!
Look at you go with the Uncle Frank accessories! Love the Madtosh worsted! It's such a pretty color. I have to tell you too, when I saw the Bella Coola sock, my first thought was to add a thumb and that would be an awesome fingerless mitt pattern!
Loving the hat!
I know what you mean, the time change has created quite the photography challenge! Oy!
Have fun up north!! I'll be thinking of you guys!! :) :)
Piddleloop bags are great!! They make me happy...
At least you can show photos. I haven't tried to battle Flickr at work yet today. Sigh...
Love the color of the Mad Tosh cant wait to see the finished hat:)
Love the bags very cool:)Hugs Darcy
dang i seriously like these sock gone hat wild patterns!
thanks for the shout out y0, give the doggies some kisses for me
Heh, I was staring at the Mad Tosh on Woolgirl's site earlier. Now I have to go back and re-think what's in my cart, darn you. ;)
Have fun for me at Port Ludlow! Hopefully I'll see you when you get back.
I LOVE that colorway! It's gorgeous!
The cabling of that sock is so pretty. When I finish my pink Winnie socks, I'm going to have to try this.
Can't wait for the FO shot on the Uncle Frank hat. Gorgeous MadTosh colorway too. I agree, last week flew by...well...sorta ;) Have a super time!
These look great. Have a blast!!!
I love your hats! You are cracking out the patterns girlfriend! I ALMOST bought this colorway at Woolgirl too (actually, I have it in the sock yarn). I love Madtosh!
PS - like your pumpkin stitch marker too!
love the uncle frank hat! those cables are just the ones that want to be my cormo cowl too! huh huh!
need to finish second uncle frank cuz i love the pattern sooo much! fast. what am i waiting for?!! oh a retreat. ;-)
That sock are gorgeous! And that Madtosh - made more beautiful by you!
Unkle Frank is lovely both as a sock and as a hat! Great man pattern either way (not that it couldn't be turned more 'girly' but it's so much harder to find nice patterns for men...).
Have a blast and bring back pictures from Port Ludlow!
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