The Seattle airport even had action figurines. You can tell which teams SnBLeslie and I are on! But, its not like we went to the midnight showing or took a day off on Friday to go see the movie (no judgement, I promise). I think there are 8 of us from our Stitch n Bitch going this morning to see it!!
Happy New Moon!!
xoxo Irishgirlieknits
Have you seen the rest of the wolfpack? Yum! That said, I will plead neutral and be on Team Switzerland. LOL!
Edward. Hands down, fangs out...just Edward.
Can you believe I have not read any of the books (I have 2) and have not seen either movie? I must be the only one!
It's OK Jackie! I'm Team Noneoftheaboveandwillneverwatchorreadanyofthebooksormovies!
Hehe..Edward of course, now if he'd use his British accent...hmmm
Ah....Team Harry......
I haven't seen movie #1 yet. The TRUE Twi-moms I know have encouraged me to just go see New Moon. I liked the books, but not enough to pick a team.
I haven't seen it yet but dont you two look cute with the dolls aren't all the guys handsome who can pick.lol Hugs Darcy
Yes, but the real question is - did you buy the figurines? ;)
I was a team Edward fan but then, after this movie, hmmm - I was impressed with Jacob. And yes, I took off Friday, it had to be done.
lol, should i have hubby bring some home from the seatac wednesday!! As much as i loved the books i am happy to wait for the dvd. They look at you funny when you go to the theater in your jammies with a comfy blanket and big coffee! glad you had fun though!
I went on Sunday. From the books, I was more of an Edward fan but judging from looks of the actors cast, I'm now more of a Jacob fan.
Team Edward! I Saw New Moon at the midnight showing and then the first showing on Saturday Morning.
So good, and New Moon is my least favorite book of the saga.
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