...so little time.
I'm starting to figure out how my "designing" brain works. When I'm in the process of working on a design, it is all I can think of, even when I'm not working on it. My "other" knits at the time have to be very simple or familiar patterns, or they just don't stand a chance.
Then there is the point when I know I have my design worked out and I just have to finish knitting it. Then my mind begins racing! What else do I want to knit, other projects, maybe another design.
And my "knitter" mind throughout all of this. Pretty yarn. I want to knit that now. And that pretty yarn, too. My stash is a big bucket of tease trying to distract me from my design.
With that bit of explanation, I present to you the many knits I'm thinking on.
1. The Pink Blanket. Of course. It is soooo not portable right now though. And that edging. Daunting.
2. Something with Sassafras. I blame this completely on
Gail. Ever since I saw this knit up, well, I just want to knit it! But I'm thinking I'd like to knit
Merrily in it. The stitch count should work really well with STR lightweight.

3. Lil' Guy is turning 3 on April 2. I usually knit him a vest of some sort. Because his mom then takes super cute pictures of him in them. Of course, I can't find the Christmas card one of him wearing last year's vest at Disneyland, so this one will have to do.

And yes. I do fear the year he says, "No Auntie. Don't knit me another vest." Really, I want to knit him a
sock monkey. I've been wanting to knit him one since two Christmas' ago. What kind of auntie am I??!!?
4. I really should finish the mate to my Uncle Frank socks in STR.

5. Keep working on that sock I showed you
last week. Well, let you peek at.
6. Designs bubbling away....Grandma-inspired socks (we can't have Mimi, Cotty, and Uncle Frank without Grandma). I already know that my skein of Plucky Knitter MCN in the colorway Dotty is set aside for these socks. My grandmother's name was Dorothy, and everyone called her Dotty. Now to just design it.
7. I've also got a hat, a scarflette, a pair of mittens (why, yes, for summer?!), and another sock or two brewing. But um. That day job gets in the way.
8. And to knit this. Just because its purty. And new from Stitches West.
wabi sabi tallulah fingering yarn, colorway dessert
9. I really want to knit January's Rockin' Sock Club socks. But with the March shipment right around the corner, well, hopefully I can knit March at least.
10. Boobies. Sock camp homework, need I say more?
11. Speaking of sock camp, I really, really, really would like to knit at least one of the skeins of yarns that I dyed last year at sock camp or last November at the Knot Hysteria Retreat.
When do I want to knit these? Why, before sock camp in three weeks of course. Crazy? Definitely.
Happy Knit-Dreaming!!
xoxo Irishgirlieknits