Well, except for last night and today. Lil' Snowboarder and I have been having fun!
First, we made these.

How could they not be good when you are adding melted butter and cinnamon sugar?

Then this afternoon, after Lil Snowboarder's third day of school, we celebrated with a drive to the coast. I warned her that it was going to be cold (summer here in the Bay Area), but she didn't care.

I had to practically pull her away when it was time to go. She's happy, but I was turning blue it was so cold :)
And I just had to share Jocelyn's Sweet Home socks...go look at how pretty they turned out and how her daughter is becoming the perfect sock model!
Oh, and have any of you checked out the new summer shows, Rizzoli & Isles and Covert Affairs? I've been enjoying them both. And I finally caught up on all the Mad Men previous seasons to be watching along this season. Love that show!
Now back to that secret knitting. Here's to a fabulous weekend ahead!
xoox Irishgirlieknits
Oh man brrrrrrr!!! The water was 62 degrees at the beach yesterday and it seemed cold. I can't imagine how cold it was there!
Dr. MS is enjoying Covert Affairs for the eye candy!
Lil Snowboarder is so cute!
I haven't seen those shows yet and every time I see an ad I think that I should set the DVR for it. I better get on that!
I'm so glad you shared Jocelyn's link for the Sweet Home socks. Absolutely beautiful!
We're at the Oregon coast now...rain, cold, gray...and loving it!!
Yes, yes...Rizzoli & Isles (have missed both those actresses) and Covert Affairs are this summer's faves! :) We're a season behind on Mad Men...but love it, too!! Great summer TV picks!!
Rizzoli & Isles, yes. I love me a cold beach too, so I totally get Lil's joy.
Love the muffins. Butter and cinnamon are yummy.
Love the beach photos. Just Ahhh. It is 100 degrees here, so really appreciate a cool salty breeze photo.
I also love Rizzoli & Isles - I have read the books that the series was based on (The Surgeon & The Apprentice) and just realized why the character names were familiar - ha. Oh, and a friend told me about Covert Affairs - yay, another winner. Now I need to check out Mad Men. I have heard about it, but never seen it. I better add the first season to my netflix.
My mom used to make them, I haven't made them in a while, thanks for reminding me! I've got both of those recording...I'm so far behind on everything!
It meant alot to me your comment during my difficult time Iam doing better and actually blogged.
Iam knitting Summer Flies in MCN Worsted Weight Plucky Knitter Pumpkin Latte although no knitting today it was my cut and hair color day tomorrow house work school starts in 16 days for the girls.
I love the pictures she sure is a cutie we dvr Covert Affairs love it.(((Hugs))) Darcy
Look at that joy!! Kids and water - they don't feel the cold like we do. Those muffins look so yummy - my mouth is watering
Can't wait to see what you're up to now.
I think Mad Men is next on my Netflix list - right after we finish The Godfather trilogy.
I love Rizzoli & Isles! Couldn't get into Covert Affairs, though. Felt too fake to me. I'll stick with Burn Notice for summer spy action!
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