2. Signature Needles. Wow, wow, wow. I've had a pair of US 5 circulars just hanging out on a UFO project for the past few months. Well, I needed to use them for the secret design, and I am reminded again how much I love them. So pointy. So light. So smooth. Serious heaven. So tempted to order another one in a different size....
3. My shiny new iPad2! Love love love. I've been trying not to play on it because of that deadline I have. It is my first apple product since my iPod that I've had for forever. Any apps you would recommend?!
4. These absolutely adorable owl notepads. Yeap, I finally caved and bought one. Too cute!
5. Sleepy doggies.

6. Leftover Irish Soda Bread. Delish!!
So what are you loving this weekend?!
xoxo Irishgirlieknits
Oh, those owl journals are adorable. I am trying very hard right now to resist one!
This weekend I am loving blocking shawls, bowling and beer with my sister and BIL, and the apple pie I plan to make this afternoon.
I'm loving the weather, walking with the fur-girls, and fresh eggs and pepper bacon for breakfast.
I heart my secret knitting ;0) Halfway done.
Oh yes I love my Signature needles as well. I bought one pair at Stitches East, finished your Le Petite Pont in no time with them!
Although, I still love my Knit Picks that you got me hooked on!
GoodReader as you can access all your Ravelry patterns. Dropbox as you can put photos and patterns not on Ravelry or ones you previously bought. Flipboard is free and you can keep track of twitter, facebook, flickr, and your blog reader (courtesy of Cristi and I love it) Movies, PDF notes may be good for your designing (haven't played with it much) You can use Nook or Kindle or both. Recipe storage or just search for some...Netflix streaming...did I give you enough? Email me if you have any ?? :)
I am loving that I have nothing I have to do today. I get to wind yarn! I don't know why I enjoy it so much, but I do :-)
For ipad app's, I love my Kindle App. It will sync where I am in my book on my Kindle, so I have the choice which device I take with me. If I know I'm going to be somewhere where the light is not great I prefer to read on the ipad because it is back lit.
My DH loves Drop Box. He saves documents on his PC to it and can access them anywhere he is using the ipad.
Oh how I wish I had leftover soda bread... and a pair of signiture needles. I have yet to splurge on a pair.
Turtlegirl has been posting some apps that she loves:
Re Signature Needles--are yours the newer or older ones? They've re-designed the cable and it's much much floppier. For me, maybe a little TOO flexible--it makes it harder to move the stitches along the cable because it bends so easily. I love the tips, but I'll still be making heavy use of my Knitpicks.
Re iPad apps--the Kindle app is probably my most used. VLC is good for loading videos onto the iPad and watching them. If you read comic books, the iPad makes an excellent reader for that, and you can buy them through Comixology. The NYT Crossword Puzzle app is another one I like. And Angry Birds if you're looking for games :)
Im loving the Cotty pattern I purchased during your BOGO sale! Thank you so much!
In addition to those other apps people are talking about, I'm really loving reading The Daily - I think they give a 2 week trial, then it's $0.99 an issue...it's like a newspaper and it's a decent aggregator with some personalization.
I'm loving my iPad2. :)
Try ToodleDo for to do lists ( I know you love them as much as I do), HeyWire for free texting, Pulse for blog and news reading, Evernote and Penultimate for notes.
I'll have to go through your comments for app recommendations. Mine is sitting in Hawaii right now waiting for its next flight!
I'm jealous of your ipad. Really jealous. I just can't seem to justify it.
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