What a year. It started with hanging out with dear friends, Zonda and Stacey, at TNNA in January.

Then there was knee surgery. And crutches. Crutches for 3 months! I forgot just how long I was on crutches. Boy, this January is going to be fabulous, working out and getting in shape and appreciating that my knee is much better!

Little Guy turned 5...

How could we forget that cake?!
In May, the pre-wedding celebrations began with the best bachelor/bachelorette party in the dugout at the SF Giants game, in the World Series Championship Season!!

Look, a Naylor Street hat in progress....wow, it took me a long time to get that pattern published :)

Then Little Guy's mom and I threw one heck of a Bridal Shower Tea Party.

One of the best things about that tea party was doing the tea research. I'm addicted now! No more diet coke for me in months...well, I think I had a diet coke on the plane ride home from Detroit in November...5 hours, I had run out of tea and there wasn't any sparkling water. Cupcakefaerie says plane rides don't count. I'm sticking with that :)

June brought a quick trip to Disneyland and LA for a family wedding....

My sister made her IGK modeling debut and she sure looked beautiful in Honey Bunches.
She looked even more beautiful at her wedding in July though. Still brings me happy tears to think back on that gorgeous, perfect day in July this year.
Photos courtesy of Teresa Halton Photography.

This shawl that I knit for her will be one of the next patterns in my new Sullivan Family Collection, in case you were on the fence about buying that e-book! On sale through January 7, 2013 for $15 (6 patterns for $15!).

Probably one of my faves, taken with a cell phone camera, but captured a perfect moment before she became Mrs. Gordon.

The rest of the summer included the Olympics, swimming, and some nice long weekends....

The fall brought new schools for Little Guy and Lil' Snowboarder and a busy busy September.

September also marked the one year of Mimi's passing. I've missed her everyday this year.

October brought another surgery and some unexpected health problems that took a lot of my focus and energy until the end of November when my last tests gave me an all clear sign. I'm really looking forward to a healthy 2013! Two surgeries is a bit much for one year I think.
But October and November also involved some much needed vacations with my best knitting friends. I really am blessed in the friends department. I love you guys!!


Since she just started it today, go "like" Jill's Design page on Facebook! She's a rockstar in my book. IGK Designs would not be where it is today without her. From pattern layouts, to logos, to ads, to personalized tags for my sample knits, you name it, Jill can create it!

November also brought the Irish to #1.

And this past month of holiday celebrating has been a special one :)

What a year, filled with ups and downs, but many blessings. Thank you all for being here for the ride! Wishing you all a very happy new year! May 2013 be filled with peace, love, health, and happiness for us all!
Happy New Year!!
xoxo Irishgirlieknits
P.S. May it also be filled with knitting....and a sale to celebrate! I am so very grateful for each and every one of you and truly appreciate all the support as I continue designing! From now through January 7, 2013, receive 20% off any individual Irish Girlie Knits Designs pattern (excluding Cotty Fingerless Gloves which are already on sale) and the Merrily Collection (excludes other Collections). No coupon needed.