Pair #4 for Summer of Socks '08
Pattern: Vanilla with a picot edge :)
Which pretty much means we'll be chasing after Lil' Guy! Thank goodness he's cute!
Happy Knitting!
xoxo Irishgirlieknits
Pair #4 for Summer of Socks '08
Pattern: Vanilla with a picot edge :)
Which pretty much means we'll be chasing after Lil' Guy! Thank goodness he's cute!
Happy Knitting!
xoxo Irishgirlieknits
The Cowl of Kindness....this baby has been done since the day before I left for Portland, so figured I'd post it today! I'm a bit worn out from both the Wild Animal Park, San Diego Zoo, and a 16-month-old in two days!! We're having a blast though!! I think my favorite was seeing the Panda Bears and Monkeys! Lots of Monkeys!
Are cowls really going to be the "in" thing this fall? (okay, probably not worn like this)
All I know is that this is made with the very lovely Handmaiden Casbah! I succumbed to its call at Purlescence! They have the prettiest yarns there its hard not to resist. Nartian made a pretty Cowl of Kindness in red. Yeap, we both got another skein or two of Casbah on their recent shipment :) Its nice stuff!
Pattern: Cowl of Kindness based on Chawne's Sock of Kindness
Yarn: Handmaiden Casbah
Needles: US 8
Notes: I cast on 104 stitches. I love it!
So tomorrow I think we are relaxing at the beach! Oh, and thanks all you yarn enablers for helping to support my yarn diet here in San Diego...hahahaha! Those comments cracked me up! Do you think I can resist the yarn calls for a few more days????
Happy Knitting!
xoxo Irishgirlieknits
Auntie Irishgirlie has the best toys in her knitting bag!
Seriously, I know I'm biased, but Lil' Guy had been up since 4:30am with just a 1-hour nap and he was cute as can be (and fast as can be!) all day!! Its going to be a fun week!!
Tomorrow we are off to the Wild Animal Park!
Happy Weekend!
xoxo Irishgirlieknits
Yes, I took home some Miss Babs!
(no everyone! Those are not my bins !!!)
But the best part of the day was finally spending some quality time with Gail and Jen! Christy and I had the best time knitting, laughing and hanging out with them!! As evidenced by Gail's Yarnissima pose for her Moody Blues Monkey socks! It was hard not to steal them away from her! And if only the other picture I took with the guy in the background just staring at us didn't come out blurry!! I can't wait to see you all again in September!! I had such a great day!!
Just as I'm almost done catching up on my Portland trip (one more yummy berry recipe post coming someday!), now I'm headed to San Diego with Rowan, Boondock Saint (brother), Lil Guy's mom, and Lil Guy! Should be lots of fun!! The condo has wi-fi so I may be checking in!!
Happy Knitting!!
xoxo Irishgirlieknits
Summer of Socks pair #3
Pattern: Spring Forward
Yarn: Socks that Rock, mediumweight colorway Coral
Needles: US 1.5
Date Started: July 11, 2008
Date Finished: July 21, 2008
Modifications: Slightly larger needle size due to the mediumweight yarn. Also, decreased to 60 stitches when I got down to the foot.
Still loving this pattern, but I cast on a few different socks for my family trip to San Diego (we leave Friday!!).
Happy Packing!
xoxo Irishgirlieknits
mmmmmmmmm...malabrigo!! Thanks Allison!! Oh, and details on their raffle for malabrigo SOCK yarn are here!
Had a great time tonight!!
xoxo Irishgirlieknits
Okay, and a little bit of knitting! What else am I going to do at swimming lessons?!
Happy Knitting!
xoxo Irishgirlieknits
There was also a sock monkey and sock camper sighting!! It was great to see you Karen!
Here's where she was Tuesday before I left! Note the cute sock project bag already (she made it!)!! There were a couple of mornings where she hinted at me waking up early to help her (e.g., her and the kids were up way before me! and that was prime knitting time for her.....I believe I did show her the heel early one morning and then went back to bed...that's love!!).
Actually, I think love is winding a skein of STR by hand and leaving your beloved knit picks needles so that she has a second project ready to go!! A gorgeous mill end that she picked from the pile!! Three skeins she picked (that's how I know she's hooked!!!)!
A few more blog posts coming from my trip! I had such a great time!! I can't wait to show you all my pics from Woolgirl too!!
Happy Knitting!
xoxo Irishgirlieknits
Happy Tapmouse!
See, I share.
Did you all see Tina launched the Blue Moon Blog today? Go check it out (contest...free yarn!!).
Happy Knitting!
xoxo Irishgirlieknits
Photos taken by a very dear friend. Thank you for a wonderful day!
Happy Knitting!
xoxo IrishgirlieKnits
February Rocks! (ravelry link)
Pattern: February Lady Sweater, XL size
Yarn: Blue Moon Fiber Arts Socks that Rocks Heavyweight colorway Ravenscroft, 4 skeins The color, the drape, oh my goodness.....
Other Materials: needles US 7, buttons from As Cute As A Button
Notes: Followed the pattern pretty much as written. Love love love. I mean, February is the month of love! Its my birth month. And sister's birth month. And dad's. And Valentine's Day. We love February. And now I have a February sweater.
And I think it Rocks!!!
Special thank you to Snowboarder who stepped in as photographer today!
Thank you all for cheering me on along the way too! And congrats to Knitting Knirvana on winning the contest! Send me your address and I'll get you some STR when I get back from Portland! And go check out her cutie patootie!!
Happy February! Oops, I mean Happy July!!
xoxo Irishgirlieknits