I absolutely love that with just one skein of Socks that Rock heavyweight you can get a fabulous baby set!
I've been a bit behind on the baby knitting (that should read, the kid is already born!), but this was a quick weekend knit! And I loved it!
Its the Child's Placket-Neck Pullover pattern from Last Minute Knitted Gifts but the free pattern is here (pdf). Definitely use this version as the book has errata.
I liked the fold over collar a bit better than adding the buttons (and, well, I didn't have any buttons too!)

I had plenty of yarn leftover to make a seed stitch hat to match. Easy peasy! I'm pretty sure that the colorway I used is a Mill End of Lucy in the Sky.
Hope baby Gavin loves it!!
Oh, and I'm prewriting this and saving it to post Saturday (ensuring that the recipient is surprised!), when I should be enhancing my stash at the Oregon Flock & Fiber Festival!! ETA: OOPS! I obviously don't know my dates....its Friday, so while this posted I was visiting Woolgirl!! Tomorrow STR! Woohoo!!
Happy Knitting!
xoxo Irishgirlieknits
Oops. Read this on Friday. Good thing I'm not the recipient! Very cute. Off to chase the pattern.
Gavin's mom is going to love it for sure!
Since you are one of my fav bloggers... I have passed on an award to you on my blog. Hope you to stop by and grab it.
Ok, that is damn cute! Thanks for the pattern link!
What great yardage on STR!!! Dang!
Cute baby set!
Way to go on the 1 skein too! Love it! Have a great time!!
Simply adorable! Glad to hear you are having a great time!
Cute cute cute! Can't wait to see what STR you get that I can drool on my keyboard over! Have fun at OFFF!
All that cuteness out of one skein... what a bargin!!!!!
A. Dorable!
Now that I'm looking at Christmas gift knitting, I see more and more in that one skein book that I like. Maybe a purchase is in order. Or a trip to the library with a photocopier!
So, you're off to Oregon and I'm off to England today. Hope you have more fun than me :0( I totally want to see all that STR again. I think I'd appreciate it more now than I did at the beginning of this year.
What a sweet sweater set! I really need to give STR heavyweight a try!:)
So cute! I love the color!
Hope you'r having fun this weekend! I gave you an award! Go read about it on my blog!
Very cute! And I like it without the button-less fussy.
Oh so pretty.
Gorgeous set and really great color of STR!
WE LOVE IT!!! Gavin has worn the hat, but needs to fill out a litle more for the sweater. Thanks!
Beautiful!! I'll have to keep this in mind for future baby present!
Darling! Your kidding, one skein? Impressive!
Gah! how do you do it!? It's gorgeous! And you whipped it out over the weekend. COOL!
Hope you had fun at the festival. I'm looking forward to pics!!!
This is really cute! Way to stretch that one skein!
check out the award I nominated you for on my blog!
So cute!!! Baby Gavin will LOVE it!
I so have to get on this STR bandwagon. That baby set is tooooooo cute - I bet the mommy loved it!
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