Where to start though....

My brother goes all out in decorating the house.

I discovered easy ways to torture Lil' Guy...hehehehe.

He didn't want to necessarily sit by the baby zombie, but he was able to show me where the baby zombie was.

And read the book to baby zombie.

And showed baby zombie the cement truck. hehehe. Cruel auntie, I know. But if you have a baby zombie on your lawn, well, your kid has got to be desensitized, right?!

There were yummy cupcakes.

And puppies. I know, Bailey looks concerned.

And the cutest fireman I know.

The fireman later almost became vampire food. Note the lipstick blood on his arm. Lil' Guy loved it!

And my brother and SIL took advantage of auntie babysitters and headed out to a party. Can you believe their costumes?!! Awesome!!

My SIL made them both! And lots of the items she got from the thrift shop! I'm having her make me a costume someday!!
And while Boondock Saint and Lil' Guy's Mom were out partying, and Lil' Guy slept, I figured out how to make this (more details to come!).
Happy Halloween!!!
xoxo Irishgirlieknits