66. Celebrating a wonderful Christmas holiday with my family and friends.
67. A good movie can be such a happy distraction. I saw Girl with A Dragon Tattoo this week and it was excellent. If you haven't seen Crazy, Stupid, Love rent it right now. It just made me smile last night. And Ryan Gosling is so adorable in it too.
68. Taking time to relax this week. I feel like I've caught up on sleep, organized a bit, made time for fun, and finished reading the Hunger Games series. Oh Peeta, how I love you! I read the last two books in a day for each of them. So good!!
69. Being blessed with an awesome group of knitting friends! I heart you guys and couldn't have gotten through this year without you. I started my IGK group on Ravelry this year and I'm so glad I did! It is such a fun group :) and I especially love our knit-alongs! Next up is a Cotty KAL, so come join us. And Cotty is on sale for $4.50 from now until Jan. 8!

70. I have four new designs that will be released in January and (sh!!!) no deadlines in the next month or so! I need a little time to breathe and create. Plus I have a gorgeous design on my needles right now that I'm enjoying. My first design will be released later tonight...I'm designing for the Sock knitters Anonymous Mystery KAL in January! The pattern will be released in 4 different clues! Come join us here. I'm going to pretend that I am not nervous about releasing a mystery sock pattern, especially when there are already 122 projects for it on Ravelry! EEEK!

71. Finishing a pair of socks before the end of the year. Lil' Snowboarder requested socks for Christmas (love that kid!) and she has been coveting this STR colorway all year.

She was so excited to receive one on Christmas, I know she'll be thrilled to now have a pair!
72. I hope to celebrate the new year tomorrow by finishing another pair of socks. Pa will be so happy to finally have a new pair of socks. Well, not as happy as if I just mended his old ones, but I'll be happy knowing a new pair of socks are done.
73. Although I'm not yet 100%, the past two weeks I have felt the healthiest I've been in the past four months. That is a lot to be grateful for.
74. The music of the Nutcracker. I've fallen asleep to it probably every night since we saw it last week. Such a happy memory!
75. 2011 is done in less than 6 hours.....woohooo! I am grateful to have survived this year.
Wishing you and yours a very happy and healthy new year!!!
xoxo Irishgirlieknit
P.S. I'm also offering a new year's sale in my Ravelry Shop. Just use the coupon code happynewyear between now and Jan. 8, and you'll receive 20% off any of my individual IGK patterns here.