- pink travel mug from Davids Tea
- painful head/migraine stuff today that kept me home from work
- Pom Tango tea from the Spring Collection at Davids Tea. It is delish!
- perfectly pink yarn from Baah Yarns!
- prize winner! G Marie (aka Gaylen) won the Sock Yarn Shawls book giveaway! Congrats!!
- St. Patrick's Day is 6 days away. That means time for the Annual IGK BOGO free pattern sale!! And I'm so excited to spend time with the family :)
- pattern prizes galore!! Leave a comment sticking with the p is for....theme and I'll pick three random winners to receive two of my IGK patterns :) Winner will be announced later this week.
xoxo Irishgirlieknits
P is for... Patterns as prizes are purely perfect! Hope you're feeling better!!
P is for... perfectly pretty pink yarn!
P is for Phew! I have too much stuff to knit!
I love your Pink yarn. It is so Pretty.
Sorry you have that Pain from the migraine headache. Those really suck.
P is for Party, pickle, panda, penguin, Patrick as in St. Patrick's Day.
P is for Pacific, pine, pare, pumpkin.....
Yea! So happy to be the prize winner!! P is for perfectly lucky - I think I need to buy a lotto ticket! P is for patterns designed by the Irish Girl which are perfect for knitting with pink yarn! g
Pooh, all the 'p's I thought of are taken! Helen
Pooh to painful pates ;0)
Hope you're feeling better xoxo
That pretty picture is quite pleasing and pulchritudinous! Hope you're pain-free soon.
Your plentiful & prestigious pretty patterns are knitting & purling pleasure!!!
Perpetually painless peace to you,
p is for my two perfect puppies. The sweet girls are having a lovely tug of war this morning.
p is for puppies! I love my two dogs! =)
P is for...
Pouring rain outside right now
Purple-blue madeline tosh yarn that I'm using
Purrrfect Pals kitten cam that livestreams a momma cat and her 4 adorable kittens! (http://new.livestream.com/FosterKittenCam/TheCosmoFosters
p is the for the pitaschio cake I'm baking this weekend.
Perhaps partaking per posting parameters proves particularly perplexing... pattern prizes produce productive propaganda prose per passive patron.
P is for patience - to rip out 4 rows, for the third time, from the little girl's sweater I am making. P is for pattern - which I should have read more carefully! P is for perfect -- which it won't be, but at least it'll be closer!!
P is for pretty igk!
Hope you feel better soon.
Pouring rain; particularly pretty suite at the Inn to sleep and relax in; pretty new IGK cowl pattern to knit; sunshine tomorrow - could be a perfect - if cool- beach day tomorrow! suelknits on ravelry
P is for Patti... Of course I had to say that on!
P is for pink, my favorite color.
Patti aka knitsonplanes, ravelry
P is for...Positively Perfect Pesto Jack Cheese! Ok, I just saw a pic in a previous post and I have to say it makes the BEST grilled cheese ever! I'm so glad they haul it all the way down to the farmer's markets in SD.
P is for...Pink and purple! Two colors that make me happy!
P is for patching up pouty days with purposeful knitting.
Rav ID: teapartyer
P is for Pups...who comfort us when we don't feel we'll...plus, P is for perfect. I love that pink yarn and travel cup.
P is for putting my knitting on "time out" when it doesn't behave the way it should...lace knotting and dropping stitches! Also, p is for pick me please!!
P is for Patricia - me :)
P is also for please. Such a pleasing word.
Rav coastiewife
P is for probably the prettiest pink! I love that colour. It's so bright and vivid!
P is for Party Time and another IGK BOGO!
(milehihounds on Rav)
P is for pointy sticks--the pattern and the sticks themselves. Happy St. Patrick's Day.
Happy PI day, I love PI/pie. It is the Perfect dessert. Pink rhubarb Pie. Pi patterns are potentially phun(fun)...
P is for pesto pepperoni pizza and popcorn (hm, I may have just figured out dinner for tonight!).
P is for Pamela (me), Pansies (my favorite) and Persistence (something I need)
P is for Popcorn!! I love it. Oh and for Proud grandma -- my grandson is awesome. He really is. Just ask him!
P is for my cutie patootie Padraig! And parades of course! We will be attending our 2nd St Pat's parade this week on saturday.
P is for ... Please let this workday be over so I can rush home and knit!
P is for a Pot of tea and a Perfectly wonderful IGK Pattern.
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
P is for packing, packing and more packing for my move to Vancouver Island.
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