Here you go. All my knitting progress for the past few weeks. Naylor Streets. A wee one and a big one.
I'll be honest, after that last designing frenzy, I was worried that I hadn't thought about what new design was next. But by Sunday of TNNA, I was inspired and ready to cast on....just no time!

These three skeins of Anzula Cloud called to me right away. Aren't they lovely! As soon as I started swatching, I fell in love with the yarn all over again. I don't think I appreciated how soft it was last year when I furiously knit my shawl to wear to my sister's wedding. I can't believe my sister's wedding was exactly one year ago! Time flies!! Happy Anniversary sis!

I'm liking these colors together. What do you think?

Here's wishing everyone a Happy 4th of July here in the US! I'm not quite sure mine will be that exciting as I've been getting over a cold (seriously, when it is 90 something degrees out...doesn't seem fair?!?!) and I must be better by Friday when I leave for a long weekend in Yosemite to meet up with Disco!!! Oh, reminder that Wish I Might and Falling Slowly are still on sale through July 8!
Happy happy!!
xoxo Irishgirlieknits
P.S. Craftsy is having a sale (up to 50% off) on 5 great knitting classes from now through July 5th, including Anne Hanson's Button Bands and Buttonholes Class (which I love!), and Shawlscapes with Stephen West , another one I enjoyed. And I just signed up for Laura Nelkin's second class, Lace from the Inside Out Class because I loved the first one!
I haven't done much knitting because, well, it's been too frickin' hot! Seriously, we're considering putting in central air because of this last week. Thankfully, we have a couple fans blowing throughout the house and the little window AC unit on in the back room.
The heat has done nothing for my knitting, either. I honestly haven't done any knitting except on a dishcloth and that was just something to keep my hands busy the other day. I did, however, spend some time spinning last night...I was planning to participate in Tour de Fleece but it's not working out correctly. Oh well.
I think that cold is going around. I had the same reaction as you. "Who gets a cold in summer?!"
I love that grey that you used for the hats. What yarn is it?
I love the 3 colors of Anzula you have together! Have a fun weekend!
Those second colors look good enough to eat, which not be on my mind after yesterday! Lunch in the same restaurant with James Woods. And there were only two parties there, his and ours....very down to earth guy.
Those hats are darling and I might have a family to knit some for. Would be fun to do a '3-some' of hats, with Mom's one girly color, Dad's very manly and baby's (in this case a boy) body in manly and stripes in girly.
I've knit and designed on crescent shawl and really need to block it. I'm itching to start working on the 'wedding' shawls for my daughter, but I don't have the custom died yarn yet - so I've been knitting socks.
Hope your 4th was lovely and that you are feeling better for your trip today. I'm hoping there are some fun lawn games and sewing in my weekend. g
I clicked on your last year's post about your shawl; nice! My hubby does numerous radio and tv commercials for the SC Beach Boardwalk's events. We used to live there. In fact, I was raised in the area and still love it to this day. Except for the traffic.
Fourth of July for me was knitting with 100% wool. What? Am I crazy??? Perhaps, however, I'm finished! Yea!
Hope you're feeling better!
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