Right, so...I have a number of completed and WIP things starting to build up here, and I am fearing retribution from KB if I don't get them posted. She was certainly quick to whip out the camera and photograph the baby gift stuff I brought to the CAN walk. So..in the interest of living another day to knit, etc:
I did a little knitting for the kids. Aise saw a felted bunny at
Auburn Needleworks several months ago (like maybe last summer or fall) and she WANTED it. I told her I would make one for her, which was way less pleasurable than just taking the one from the store, but whatever. So I got the Fiber Trends pattern (and the pattern for Fido the pup too, for G), and we picked out some pink Cascade and some pink mohair. And then G picked out some gray Cascade and some crazy novelty yarn. And I promised to knit their little pets up right away. And then maybe 9 or 10 months later... I DID!
Here are Marshmallow and Scruffy:

I think they both came out a bit wonky in spots, but the kids love them so I guess we're all happy. And they're DONE, so I guess we're all really happy.
So after spending a week in garter stitch felting hell, I decided to make some socks. But I have yet to actually make a pair of socks, as I don't care to finish a project and then start the SAME EXACT godforsaken project again. That is why I have several individual socks in the unfinished drawer that don't match and totally don't get along. So I thought I'd invest some time in figuring out how to make 2 at once. And I happened upon this site,
Silver's Sock Class. Which is completely GENIUS. And I printed the whole thing out, which was many many pages, as each step is explained and photographed in great detail. And lo and behold, a mere 4 evenings and single skein of Artyarns Ultramerino later, and without any major errors or huge flaws:

Bloody hell! They are knitted toe up, both at once - totally easy, and, I think, totally customizable to many many patterns.
So, I decided to apply my newfound cockiness to the Monkey pattern, using a new skein of Claudia Handpaints. Here is the progress so far:

I am knitting them toe-up, just reversing the chart so the pattern will go the right direction. So far, it seems to be working....
And since I've gotten so jazzed about the new sock method, I went ahead and ordered some lovely yarn from Sock Pixie, which just came today and is so, so beautiful (despite the lame pic). Colors are Emerald Sea, Spice, and So 80s! Have to get the Monkey pair done so I can get the Sockpixie yarn on needles.

So that's it. I think I would be such a happier girl if I could do EVERYTHING 2 at a time!