Rowan being sorted.
I knit her that scarf four years ago for Christmas. One lucky sister. Notice I don't have a scarf :(
The happiest girl.
They had Quidditch set up for the kids. May I draw your attention to the fact that Ireland won!
The 2nd prize goes to The Curly Knitter (my fabulous upstream from Spring Fling!).
I'll be sending her 3 skeins of my other favorite, Blue Sky Alpacas alpaca yarn, in yummy chocolate.
And finally, Turtle, whose recently started a blog that I look forward to reading.
She'll be receiving one of my favorite colorways of the Misti Alpaca Handdyes.
If everyone who won could email me their address so that I can send you your goodies that would be great (send to irishgirlieknits AT gmail DOT com).
If you haven't had a chance to read some of the answers to the favorites, here's the post. I loved reading all of them and am still trying to read everyone's blogs. I wanted to compile in one spot the answer to "one of your favorite knitting blogs" so that I (and hopefully some of you) can read some new knitting blogs. I haven't had a chance to read all of them yet, but I look forward to reading them soon (along with all of the new blogs I came across from the participants!).
Here are some of the suggested favorite knitting blogs to check out (in the order they were entered into the contest):Lastly, during 4th of July week I did make some progress on poor little dream swatch, even though I haven't picked it up since. When we last saw dream swatch, I had lost a needle, the one the stitches were on no less. Didn't find the needle, but at least I caught those stitches and knit about 10 inches more on the scarf/head wrap. Another project I really hope to finish by next week. Oh so ambitious.
And, in full disclosure, I'm not forgetting about my Tomato, its just umm...still stuck on the vine in the same exact spot. I hope to finish these few things so that I can focus a bit more on it.
Hey, post 99!! Tomorrow I can share my Yarn Pirate Sock Club Booty and while you all are drooling, I'll give you yarn! Contest winners hopefully tomorrow night!! Friday at the latest!!
Happy Knitting! xoxo Irishgirlieknits
Happy Knitting! xoxo Irishgirlieknits
Happy Knitting!! xoxo Irishgirlieknits
You just know there's going to be good stuff in there.
British heaven!! Disco just got back from a trip abroad and brought back loads of yummies! What, you don't see the cadbury candy bar and mini-hobnobs? Nope, they were devoured by Rowan and I when we went to see Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix tonight (loved it! seriously great day here). I wish this was a scratch and sniff blog. Look in the upper left hand corner and you will see why. A lush soap bar. Did I not just mention this as one of my new favorites?!! Speaking of favorites, have you signed up for the contest?? (If you're a regular reader and didn't that's okay, the comments are being put in a drawing for something that ROCKS!! when we get to post 100!)!!
Here's the yarny goodness that arrived. I was a bit overwhelmed at this point. I know Disco and I have gotten to be really great friends over the past six months, but this was just so unexpected!! A Rowan magazine, a perfect knitting book for all the munchkins in my life, and two new Rowan yarns to try (in my favorite color no less!). And seriously cute sheepie stuff!
And finally, Disco included some gorgeous Koigu! Yummy socks for sure!! I'm going to let her help me figure out what pattern will work well for this. It is sooooo squishy soft!
A nice yarn prOn shot for you.
I'm disco dancing with happiness here!! Thank you thank you Disco!!! Love you bunches!!
Happy Knitting!! xoxox Irishgirlieknits