Lastly, during 4th of July week I did make some progress on poor little dream swatch, even though I haven't picked it up since. When we last saw dream swatch, I had lost a needle, the one the stitches were on no less. Didn't find the needle, but at least I caught those stitches and knit about 10 inches more on the scarf/head wrap. Another project I really hope to finish by next week. Oh so ambitious.
And, in full disclosure, I'm not forgetting about my Tomato, its just umm...still stuck on the vine in the same exact spot. I hope to finish these few things so that I can focus a bit more on it.
Hey, post 99!! Tomorrow I can share my Yarn Pirate Sock Club Booty and while you all are drooling, I'll give you yarn! Contest winners hopefully tomorrow night!! Friday at the latest!!
Happy Knitting! xoxo Irishgirlieknits
Oh - I can't wait to see what you got from the Yarn Pirate club, I'm kicking myself because I didn't join!
HP bookmarks?! But won't you all be reading straight through in one sitting?!
That Yarn Pirate yarn is lovely. I wish I'd joined the club when I had the chance!
I love how the dream swatch is turning out...I can't wait to make mine! (first I have to get more socks done...heh)
I hope the HP knitting doesn't come to a total stop... but I do understand you need some time to knit for you : )
I like the look of the tomato, very interesting design!
Great progress there! I wanted to make an HP bookmark for my sister but the Overtime@Work Gods would not it be so.
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