I've been trying to plug away on my dad's scarf! This is his father's day scarf from June, so I figure I should finish this before Christmas?! I absolutely love it, but I'm distracted by socks and such. I'm about 1/3 of the way through this.

Its a fairly easy cable pattern (more details on that in the future, I modified a stitch pattern and love it). Maybe by posting this here it'll give me a bit more motivation to get this finished. And look at that pretty sunlight in the background. It was a lovely day today, but I didn't realize it until about 4pm. I had a horrible migraine today and was in bed most of the day. But at least I was home when the sun was out to take some pictures :)

I sure do like stash diving! I've been going through my stash to see what a I really need, what I have too much of, and doing a bit of destashing. I couldn't part with this pretty yarn that I purchased last year on our trip to Boston. Its Green Mountain Spinnery Mountain Mohair. I LOVE IT!! Oh, a sweater out of this would be heavenly!
And this isn't a WIP anymore! Lookie!
Thank you everyone for all the tips and suggestions on blogging topics for the next few weeks! They are all awesome (well, except for Ilikecake's suggestion of belly dancing photos...not! unless she wants me to take the pics of her...hehehehehehe...btw, we are loving our class!)! I really appreciate all the suggestions!! And our lucky winner is.....
Teen Knitter!!!
Congratulations!! I've contacted you over on ravelry to let you know that you won!! Your sock yarny goodness will be on its way to you soon! And for those who didn't win, no worries....my blogiversary is coming up...so we'll have more free yarn!!
Happy Knitting!!
xoxo Irishgirlieknits
p.s. what do you all think of the new blog layout? I'm not sure....