2. Finally....it is almost the weekend! More importantly, a weekend at home. Monterey, then Sock Camp, then Disneyland, then a quick trip this past weekend to Reno to bring Mimi home to the bay area for a few weeks...equals lots of fun but one tired Irishgirlie. So excited to be home this weekend to just knit! And dye some Easter eggs. And eat a cadbury egg or two :)

My new sock design, in Miss Babs Windsor Sock Yarn. A bit of knitting progress while my sister drove through the mountains!
3. Finally, the Sock Summit teachers list is available! The secret is out! That Carrie Sullivan you see on the list is me!! I'm beyond excited and totally humbled (and a bit freaked out to be honest) to be included amongst those 60 awesome teachers! I'll be teaching my Dead Sexy Heels class, and hoping to take a few of those other fantastic classes! And shopping in the marketplace too!
4. Finally, I finished my Fightin' Irish Cotty socks. I'm in love with these socks. Who knew handspun socks would be such a treat for my feet?! Well, ilikecake knew. Not only did she spin this yarn for me, but she strongly encouraged them to become Cotty socks, and I'm so glad I listened. The fiber was from All Spun Up, and is a merino/silk blend. Thank you, thank you Thayer!!

5. Finally, I have succumbed to the spinning bug. I tried really, really hard to resist. And I waited until I figured out how to not stash fiber like it was going out of style. I was worried when I was gifted handspun. It was inevitable once I began knitting with it.

spun on my drop spindle at sock camp
Finally sitting down at a wheel at Sock Camp has me itching to practice on my wheel (not sure if I officially told you I got a wheel? That is a fun story....I'll take pictures of Sleeping Beauty soon! Oh, and yes, I named her. Thought everyone named their wheels. I don't think they do. Oh well.). I've just needed a weekend at home to do so...
Happy Almost Weekend!
xoxo Irishgirlieknits
Oh wow! Wish I could sit in that class. I'm sure you will be great. Enjoy!
I am so excited for you and your Sock Summit teaching adventure!
Congrats!! I'm sure that will be an awesome class... love the title.
Those Fightin' Cotties (Cottys?) are awesome!!
I did see your name on the teacher list and made me smile :-) Good for you! You are a rising star!
I love hoe your Fighting Cotty's came out. I hope they bring your Fighting Irish some luck this fall. They're overdue!
Congratulations on Sock Summit! You'll be awesome!
Oh - might need to take a trip to Sock Summit this year.
The Miss Babs Socks are beautiful - I'm waiting with baited breathe.
And the handspun cotties - lovely! g
Lots of exciting things coming your way! Well deserved and well done!
Congrats on teaching at Sock Summit! How exciting!
(Oh, and I totally named my spinning wheel... her name is Patience, as that is what I believe/hope she is trying to teach me).
Congrats! (that goes for both the teaching gig and weekend home) Wondering WHEN you'll knit now that you spin, design, and jet about the country to teach. :-)
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