Sunday, January 15, 2017


Taking a few moments to share and reflect on all the lovely things that have been happening this past week.  



Yes. I sent Knitterella, my graphic designer extraordinaire, my first pattern of 2017. It felt incredible to be able to have the focus to sit down and write a knitting pattern.                



Technically, I'm listening to and reading this one. My only regret is not discovering Brene Brown's work sooner. But I'm not sure I would have appreciated it the same way.


She Reads Truth. The just enough bible study I was looking for last year and it has been nice to get back to my daily readings when I can. Peace and calm is something I'm focusing on this year, so this quote was exactly what I needed this week.



Cows. I love that my new town feels like it is just on the edge of suburbia/city life. I see cows everyday. And I love it. It brings a smile to my face. I hope I say that in the summer when I'm sure it smells a bit too.



Fresh flowers. These beauties from Trader Joe's have lasted all week and I'm so glad that I've started filling my home with a few fresh stems.



Isn't it a lovely way of knowing you're in the right place, when you walk into your favorite local coffee shop, and your local yarn store owner is hanging out knitting with her friends?! Today was just a lovely afternoon where I felt like I was where I belonged. And, I didn't know such a ginormous pompom maker existed, so I'll be stopping into Knitique sometime soon to get me one (yep, they ship too).

{listening to}

Lauren Daigle, love her entire album, but this song has been my anthem this week



Myself. Easier said than done, but loving and taking care of myself is my number one priority this year.




I'd love to hear what has been happening with you. What are you loving, reading, listening to, knitting? Here's to a great week ahead.

Happy Knitting!
xoxo Irishgirlieknits

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Home Sweet Home

Amazing how a simple picture can capture so much.


It has been quite awhile since I've been able to sit down and watch a movie and knit. Let's face it. The knitting mojo went 'poof' the last year or two. That we already knew. So just the fact that I was knitting is exciting. But watching a movie and knitting, something so many of us knitters can do, has been challenging for me the past year or two. When my dad and I would watch tv together, he would ask why I wasn't knitting and I'd say it was too hard to concentrate or my head hurt or I just couldn't. HUH??!?!

I know. If you're a knitter, that may sound odd. If you aren't a knitter, give us a netflix marathon and watch the knitting magic happen. Movies and tv knitting are my jam. Were.

Yes, yesterday it was lovely to find the calm and stillness that I've been needing for a long time to be able to sit, enjoy a movie and knit at the same time. Maybe not the best movie choice to go along with that as someone teased, but I've been wanting to see that movie since I saw the preview way back when. And goodness, technically this wee baby sweater was going to be the blue-eyed princess',  and she's already 15 months old!


So it is exciting that today I just need to finish a wee sleeve.


It is also exciting that today I'm not wandering anymore. HUH??!?! My home life has been in transition in one way or another since December 2009. It has taken longer than expected, but last month I made a big step in planting roots for where I want my home to be during this next season of my life.

I knit that sweater and watched that movie in my home. In a space that I chose and created and am  still creating.



It may have been fueled by amazing coffee too, ha. I love exploring new places, and discovered Temple Coffee yesterday. Any other local faves in the Sacramento area?

The glassybaby candle above was a gift, and I've fallen in love with the company. When perusing their website I gravitated right to the blues and the one below, before I even read the name.


It may be a thousand miles from where you were born, maybe you've never been there before, but if people that you love are near, maybe it's home sweet home.

I think you can guess which candle my destash money may be going towards. (pssst: mention moving sale and receive 10% off any of my destash here).


One more thing about my knitting and movie time that I'm grateful for is that it also helped me find my voice for this blog post. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram.... there's so much social media out there and I've missed my blog, my virtual home sweet home. I think it's the Yarn Harlot who describes her blog as her home, her space. Yes. I get to chose the layout and if I want ads or if I want the feed to show in chronological order or not (oh messed that up!). I've missed my knitting and connecting with you guys. So hi. Here I am today, on my way to my favorite coffee place to write this post for me and for you.


More love. Less fear.

My hope and prayer for us all this year. Happy New Year!
xoxo Irishgirlieknits

Saturday, December 3, 2016

10 years.

That seems a bit crazy to be blogging for 10 years. And yet, here we are. I'm so glad we are still here, though posts are fewer. We still seem to stay connected via Instagram or Facebook or Ravelry. Heck, many of you are my dear real life friends now...we text, talk, meet-up, vacation, cry, laugh. All thanks to this blogging and knitting community.

This isn't a big reflection post...I'm trying to get back into the things I love, like posting more regularly, so let's not make it harder, 'mkay? 

Things I love you ask? Here are a few. Well, let's stick with the theme and make it 10.

1. Pom Poms. I want to put them on everything this year. They make everything a little bit happier, and we can all use more happy. Now if only I could knit faster.



2. Finishing things. Ha! Finally. The recipient didn't want a pom pom. I didn't understand it.


Conversationalist Hat featuring Plucky Knitter Primo Aran

3. Anything Jo Malone. You know when you hear lots of lovely things about something and you know you'll probably love it, but you don't want to go down the rabbit hole? Well that was me for so long, until I was treated to these mini perfumes. OMG. Love them all. Pretty sure I'd love everything in this line.


4. Me time! Self-care....who knew?! From acupuncture, to knitting, to swimming... making me a priority has been an awesome thing that I realized I had forgotten to do for awhile. We need to do that more often, don't you think?!



5. This song. It's been in my head since he sent it to me to listen to. I love that I have my own personal DJ now :)


6. Sales. Here you go! Our blogiversary sales start today..... 50% off these select patterns from now until Dec. 6. NO COUPON NEEDED (just add to Ravelry cart and discount is applied). Be sure to check back later this week for more patterns on sale too!

IGK Favorites Accessories

7. Tea. Thank goodness I love it, as I'm trying to slowly wean myself off of my beloved iced cafe au laits. #darnmilk


Ballydesmond featuring Plucky Knitter Primo Sport

8. Indie Design 2016 Gift-A-Long! I'm so excited to be a participating designer again this year. Jump on over to this group and check out the amazing indie designers, cast on a gift (for anyone! yourself included!), and let's enjoy this holiday season.


9. Knitting weather!! It has been chilly here for California the 40s and 50s. Just lovely.



Yep. Both new hat designs coming soon. 

10. This man.


Happy Knitting!
xoxo Irishgirlieknits

Sunday, November 13, 2016


It has been a week of emotions for so many this week. I have tried so hard to continue to focus on positivity and all that I've been blessed with. Why? Because, honestly, that's the only way I've gotten through the past few months.


I'll be honest. It has been a year around here. You've noticed the blog has been quiet. In part because I've been busy. But also because I've been trying to figure things out. You know me...if I don't have anything happy or nice to say, I tend not to say it. Ha. My knitting has suffered a bit from that too.


Case in point: This hat has been on the needles since August. It is the only knitting I've worked on. What?!?! I think I've been on the decrease section for forever. It'll be remedied today. Promise.

The last few months though, I have finally started to find myself again, despite the lack of knitting. I truly feel like it started last February when I found a home at a new church and the message of my amazing pastor was to profess that we are blessed. I'm blessed.

You're blessed. We are all blessed. Especially those of us in this amazing knitting community....I have friends from all walks of life, political viewpoints, religions, parts of the country and world because of knitting. And for that I'm truly blessed. It helps me believe that our country will be ok.

I miss my knitters though. I've needed to take some time to take care of me, and sometimes to do that, you have to put other things on hold. I've been writing though. Trying to find my voice again. And journaling has reminded me how much I miss blogging.


I started eating right again. Drinking my shakeology. Started Weight Watchers. Got back to swimming. Told myself my head didn't hurt NO MATTER HOW IT FELT! Put some pretty lipstick on again. Baby steps.


This picture is probably the best I've felt, both inside and out in a long time! And those of you who follow my on Instagram, THANK YOU, for cheering me on along the way. The journey is part of the blessing and is teaching me a lot about myself.

Technically, I did finish some knitting. This gorgeous Cannon Beach scarf has needed to be blocked forever. I finally did that last weekend and I love it (so much so that I marked the pattern on sale for $4.50 through Nov. 15!).




The gorgeous gradient yarn is Pebble Sock Gradient Yarn from Black Trillium Fibres. I have a few sets to design with, and trust me, after blocking this, my creative juices are flowing again! I can't wait to get back to designing!!

Gradients are everywhere....even when I was getting a mani/pedi last week...another part of my self-care routine.


Are you still knitting with gradients? I've got a few in my destash if you need some! Trust me, I still have plenty. I may not have been knitting, but you know, yarn happens.

My heart has been happy too, I'll admit. Amazing once you focus on taking care of yourself what can happen.



So yes, even though this week has been heartbreaking and challenging and filled with emotions for many of us, I choose to focus on my blessings. Last weekend, I had downloaded some new songs. Two of them have been playing over and over for me this week. First, this one. They sang it at church this morning too.

The next one was from Hamilton. Now, you all know I LOVE my broadway shows. But I'm not a fan of spoilers! So I haven't really downloaded the Hamilton soundtrack or read the screenplay like almost the rest of the world. Tempted and still might, but I haven't. But I did download the few songs from the Mixtape version (I know, I know...could be considered sacrilege?). Particularly because I loved Kelly Clarkson's version of It's Quiet Uptown.

As I listened to it Wednesday, the song took on new meaning. The lyrics are so powerful.

Forgiveness. Can you imagine?



Wishing us all a peace-filled week ahead.

Happy Knitting!
xoxo Irishgirlieknits

P.S. Plucktovember Sale through Tuesday, Nov. 15!! 

Plucktober Sale 1

Monday, October 24, 2016




It's fall. And even here in California, it is knitting weather time! Definitely time to dust off the keyboard and get back to blogging. I MISS you guys! Fortunately, I'm still around on Instagram and love seeing so many of you there.

There has been a bit of knitting the past few months. Not much, to be honest. But some. Hats. The same hat. A long meditation of hat knitting.


Trying not to jinx it, but hopefully an easy hat pattern soon to come!

The munchkins got bigger. Someone started preschool!!!


And someone turned ONE!!


What a year!


And since it is October, which is normally, Plucktober....a month to celebrate our beloved Plucky Knitter yarns, it is time to offer a bit of a sale. This year it is Plucktovember (go figure!)! Have fun shopping for all your fall and holiday knitting Irishgirlie pattern!

Plucktober Sale 1

And as a special extra, Ballydesmond, last year's favorite fingerless gloves pattern, is also on sale for an additional 30% off, through October 31. No coupon needed. These are such a quick knit, especially in worsted! Check out all these knit up here.

Nice to see you all back here and I hope to be back soon! Happy Knitting!
xoxo Irishgirlieknits
