Ten Things I Love and Already Miss about Portland
1. Monkeys (both the socky kind and the zombie kind)
3. Attempting to play Rock Band
4. Tina hugs
5. Rare Gems (wait, I think I brought home some reminders)
6. Pumpkin bars...yum (so many recipes though! which one did you use Jen?)
7. Liam and Emma hugs
8. Watching Notre Dame win while knitting with Christy!! Oh, and teaching Liam to cheer "Beat Boilermakers!" everytime I would say, "Go Irish!"
9. Twisted
10. Laughing til your tummy hurts!
And although I came home to a busy busy week at work, I also came home to lots of blog lovin'! Big big thank yous to these generous bloggers who gave me an award!
Musings from a Knucklehead, Nat Red Knits, Too Much Yarn, So Little Time, Sam over at Knit Quest, and Cockeyed at Goddess Knitters!
Musings from a Knucklehead, Nat Red Knits, Too Much Yarn, So Little Time, Sam over at Knit Quest, and Cockeyed at Goddess Knitters!

Here are the rules for the award recipients:
1. Please put the award on your blog.
2. Add a link to the person who awarded you.
3. You must nominate at least 4 fellow bloggers for this award.
4. Add links to the recipients.
5. Leave a comment so the recipients know they have received an award.
Here's a few that I LOVE!!! Someday I really should update my blogs I love in the sidebar!
Carly at Knitting and Sewing and all forms of Procrastination
Passing on some cool stuff to you all .... check out this fiber farm (and vote! so cool!)! And have you all heard about Sock Summit? Go check it out too!
Happy almost Friday!!!!
xoxo Irishgirlieknits
Mmm...pumpkin, yarn, and college football. Sounds like my upcoming weekend! LOL!
Looks like you had a super time! :)
Awwww! Thanks, dearie-poops. Back atcha, MWAH!
...very, very sad :{ that i didn;t get to see you this trip.....
*blush* Wow, an award? I guess I'll have to update :) Thank you for the awesome trip! I love all those things right along with you! Cool Pics. Liam, quite the rock star! He's a ND fan for life!
*blushing* Thanks hon! I'm so flattered! You're too sweet! :)
Sounds like you had a great trip! I promise not to be jealous for long!
Congrats on the award!!
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