Up early Saturday for the Walk Now for Autism event in San Jose! Our company has a resource booth there every year and it was a great chance to hang out with my coworkers, families, and network a bit with other organizations and potential families. Plus it was a gorgeous day too!

After the walk, I stopped by Purlescence to celebrate the end of the yarn fast! Woohoo!! 8 weeks is probably the longest I've gone without buying yarn in forever! And believe it or not, I think it may have worked. There were plenty of gorgeous yarns I could have bought (oh Aquaboy in Woobu! I must think of a project for you so I can go back and get you!), but I didn't. Instead, I purchased one skein of STR heavyweight that I wanted at Stitches and Sock Camp.

Manly yes, but I like it too! Father's Day is coming up, and dad will need some socks!

I was also able to get started on knitting squares for the barn-raising quilt project for Sock Summit. You can read all about it here. They need to arrive in Portland by June 9, so you all still have time to knit one or two. They go quick! If you are part of our Redwood City SnB, you can bring your squares Tuesday night and I'll mail them all up together on Wednesday! Plus, I wanted to send some good yarn karma to Tina and Steph who really had a tough week with the Sock Summit drama!
Today was the farmer's market and lots of grilling and cooking! Pesto, homemade marinara, grilled veggies, frittata, baking.....delish!! Plus, Snowboarder loves it when I cook! Learning to cook was my obsession before I took up knitting, so it has been nice to rediscover some favorite recipes and new ones. Definitely some joy in that! I'll share some pictures tomorrow! I need to get ready for tomorrow...its Monday!
Hope you all have continued to find joy this last week of May! I know I have!
Here's to a great week ahead!
Happy Knitting!
xoxo Irishgirlieknits