Why yes, today was a good Monday.
I survived reentry at work. I love my job, so it really wasn't so bad.
I ate healthy. Surprisingly, getting back into my regular routine of work, etc., made it much easier to focus on eating well. Thank goodness, because those
cookies were getting the best of me.
I made it to my new exercise class,
The Dailey Method. I'm almost certain that my abs and thighs will be killing me tomorrow. But I even packed my gym bag for tomorrow. Crazy girl!
And my new design for
Kollage Yarns was released today! Now that is my kind of Monday....
I mean....

You know what my kind of Saturday is, right?

A quick trip to the farmers market, a bit of time to read and relax before the day gets underway, toss on my comfy jeans, a t-shirt, and this easy-to-wear cowl....and there you have it.
My kind of Saturday.

Riveting, Kollage Yarns' new yarn made from recycled jeans, is pretty awesome. I LOVE the colorways and loved knitting with it. This one skein project is knit in the round, features an easy-t0-memorize lace pattern, combined with stockinette stitch sections, and the hardest part will be deciding which color to use (charcoal denim and cloud denim are calling my name at the moment)!

Special thanks again to my fabulous team of ilikecake (gorgeous model) and cheekyattitude (how did she make it seem so bright and cheery when it was raining out, fabulous photographer) and cupcakefaerie (my stylist extraordinaire!)! I love you guys and don't know what I'd do without you!
My Kind of Saturday is available online at Patternfish, or the yarn and pattern through Kollage Yarns (coming soon to retailers!), or this week at TNNA featured in a kit for the Sample It night.
How many more days til Saturday?
Did you guys survive the first Monday of the new year? I hope so.
Happy Monday!
xoxo Irishgirlieknits