Although, with a name like Sock-a-licious, it's hard not to love. Now, sing it to this. Hehehe.

For me, it is all about the colors! Those semi-solid colors, the varying shades and depth of color that keep you interested while knitting, look gorgeous knit up, and are perfect for just about any pattern.

I'll admit. This colorway, Chateau, is probably my favorite!

But the color isn't the only reason why I love it! You know I love color, but I'm also a yarn snob. I'll admit it. My stash doesn't really lie. You all know this about me. And this yarn, with 70% Fine Superwash Merino Wool, 10% Silk, and 20% Nylon, well, it feels snobby! It feels so squishy and soft just like some of my favorite sock yarns.
Color, yarn content, name I love, perfect, right? But there's more. Wait for it.

It is going to retail for just under $20 a skein, with each skein having 350 yards!! Told you I love it!
I say going to, because it has just been released by Kollage Yarns and should be hitting the stores soon (ETA: Paradise Fibers is taking pre-orders, yarn arrives next week, oh, and it is retailing there for $18.75)! One of my good friends from Sock Camp, Erica, sent me 3 skeins of Sock-a-licious!! Seriously!! Sometimes its nice to have friends who work for yarn companies!!

Best part, one of the skeins is for you!! Time for a little contest, don't you think!! I saved this gorgeous one, colorway Heather, for you guys (sorry I can't part with the Chateau!). Wouldn't it make a perfect pair of Blackberry Brambles? You don't have to knit it in Blackberry Brambles, but I will be including the pattern with the yarn!

So how can you win this yarn and the pattern? Just leave me a comment of what pattern or item you'd love to knit this with!
I'll admit, this yarn is so nice, I know I'm going to knit some type of cowl or scarflette with it too...want that pretty silk by my face!
Bonus contest.... if you rewrite the lyrics to Fergalicious (doesn't have to be the whole song) with Sock-a-licious (hehehe...because someone should, right??), you'll be entered twice! and the first five song writers will automatically win a copy of Blackberry Brambles!
Contest will run through Sunday morning at 10am.
And yes, I said she sent me 3 skeins. I couldn't wait, one skein is already wound, swatch started and everything!!
Happy Knitting!!
xoxo Irishgirlieknits
Oooh, so pretty! Blackberry brambles would be perfect in that yarn. It just speaks of juicy berries and cool flavours in a smoothie. Mmmmm!
That is gorgeous and I would love to knit blackberry brambles with it!
I'm sorry, it's only sometimes good to have friends who work for yarn companies?
Do I have to knit something with that yarn? Can't I just take it to bed with me and snuggle?
Listen up y’all cause this is it,
The sock that I’m knittin’s sockalicious.
Sockalicious—definition makes those Dotty Socks loco
They want my fiber but for now they have a photo
You can see me, you can’t squeeze me
I ain’t cotton, I ain’t rayon
I got silk in me to tease em.
Knitters come and beg to wind me.
With apologies to will.i.am
That yarn looks gorgeous. I can see why you don't want to part with Chateau.
I'd knit either the Crocus Socks or the Diamonds and Cables Socks from Wendy Johnson's book Toe-Up Socks for Every Body.
Inquiring minds what to know which colorway made you cake it up immediately.
And I think that if I won, I'd be torn... Blackberry Brambles or some lovely little shawlette... no idea which one though.
Blackberry brambles would look super in this yarn. And here's my quick rewrite of the song:
Listen up y'all'cause this is it
The yarn that I'm knittin' with is delicious
Sock-A-licious composition
Make knitters go loco!
They want a pair of socks
In colors yummy like those photos
You can seed stitch or just garter
Make it easy, maybe tweedy
Thanks to Kollage yarn for releasin'
Hot sock yarn just for the season
OMG-simply gorgeous! And such the IrishGirlie colors!
Blackberry Brambles gets my vote, too. Very interested to try this yarn.
I love them! If I didn't use the Blackberry Brambles I think I would knit up these Raspberry Swirl Socks! http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/raspberry-swirl-socks
If I had a sweaters worth, it would probably be a Featherlight Cardi. Otherwise, probably something lace!
I think it wants to be a Milkweed Shawl.
Oooh! Very pretty! And I love the under $20 part! Since I'm just about done with my first pair of Blackberry Brambles, I think I'd try Cotty with it- I've never knit them in a semi-solid before :)
Definitely Dotty socks!
Not brave enough for socks yet. But a shawlette would be nice. Simple Things?
Ooo! I would knit Cookie A.'s Kai-Mei! Wouldn't that look outstanding!
Jen H. (Ravelry: jenbrook96)
Oh - Woodelves. I think. I really love the chateau colorway. But I want to know which color way demanded to be knit right now! g
I would love to knit Blackberry Brambles wit that yarn!
I am so glad you love Kollage's new squishy, fabulous sock yarn! I just got a skein of Sock-a-licious in Mango and I'm going to knit Cotty with it.
Pretty, pretty yarn! I think I would knit socks with it, possibly Bell Flower Boogie".
That color is so pretty and makes me think of you. Blackberry brambles, Dotty, Uncle Frank, Merrily, would all be beautiful in that yarn. Oh! And Winnie too!
I was thinking that colour would be perfect for dotty. I would love to know what the third colour looks like.
I would love it and hug it and name it George. Or maybe just love it. Especially the silk part.
Holy cow...I want some of that yarn! I can see the yarn as a scarf or shawlette, but who am I kidding - it would probably become socks. Okay, now I am going to see if any online socks are carrying this yarn yet ;)
Pretty pretty!
I'm on a cowl kick right now and yarn with some silk in it would be just fine.
Blackberry brambles would also be perfect. Too hard to decide!
The colors would look lovely in Glenna C's "Revival" pattern ...
I also love semi-solid colors...they show off pattern so well. I have not yet knit Blackberry Brambles so that sounds like a very good combo!
Your sock has it's own colorway now, how cool is that? If I had some of that yummy Blackberry Brambles I think I might finally knit a Clapotis. It would be delicious!
Ooh, so pretty! I think the yarn would be perfect for an Ishbel.
I think it would make a beautiful Simple Things or Blackberry Brambles. Thanks for the give away.
Oh...wow!! Silky sock yarn! I think that colorway will be perfect for Dotty too! (don't enter me, I won last time) I just wanted to commence to drooling! Can't wait to get my hands on that!
Ooo...yeah that Chateau is purty! It's almost like cement. But pretty cement!
That yarn looks so amazingly squooshy! I think I'd knit some mitts with it (maybe Rose's Mitts from Dr. Who), and go toe-up with some lacy short socks or anklets with the leftovers.
I WANT! I don't have time at the moment, but I may have to come back sometime before Sunday with those lyrics to up my odds of winning!
Any sock design BY IGK would be awesome of course...but I am on a shawlette kick and doing Ysolda's Damson with a swath of garter stitch that the plummy tones of this yarn would be lush and nubbly at the same time and just right to wrap one's neck in the fall...or Saroyan with shade variation cruising through the stockinette breadth...or something yet to be created just in time for fall plummy tones....
I think that color is perfect for Blackberry Brambles!
Beautiful! I have to admit, I would knit another Ishbel with this! It even looks soft and yummy through the computer - I can just imagine throwing it jauntily over my shoulder!
I would love to knit some socks with the sock-a-licious yarn.
oooh i'd knit dotty or merrily...i've been dying to cast on one of those two patterns of yours!
I'd make Cotty. I have had my eye on it forever, and every time Gail Neuroknitter does a new pair I think to myself how much I need to get the pattern. So if I had the yarn, I'd buy the pattern and do Blackberry Brambles in something else.
I just purchased your Dotty pattern, and I think this would be the perfect yarn for it!
That is very pretty yarn. I have been wanting to try out Cotty and Merrily. But I have also been looking for something semisolid or solid to knit the Long John Socks. This just might be a good fit for that. I can't wait to see what you make with yours, too!!
Coulda fooled me, I thought it was MCN base. Definitely snobby but loks like it's worth it. And at $20 a skein? Whoa! Where do I buy a shedload of it?
Blackberry Brambles or Merrily would definitely be great in that pink colourway. Or maybe even plain ol' Monkeys.
I think a scarf or a shawlette would be brilliant too.
I'd definitely knit socks - I'm not sure what pattern, though.
Oooh I am intrigued by the twist to that yarn! It looks quite sproingy.
I think I'd knit a plain vanilla sock with it -- they're my one true sock knitting love! (Sorry, I am boring!)
We (Paradise Fibers) are taking pre-orders for this yummy new Sock-a-licious yarn here
We will have it in stock in less than a week!
so pretty! I'd make myself a cute pair of plain jane socks. yum!
I would like to knit either Blackberry brambles or the Fruitloop socks from Knitty in this yarn. Of course, I haven't felt it yet - it might want to be a cowl or scarf at my house. Sometimes the yarn demands a certain project.
Colleen in Kansas
I would love to knit anything in this gorgeous color. I am still hoping to do Cotty, so this or Blackberry brambles would be my choice. Or Irish Jig. Or...
I would love to make a pair of Slip Jigs in that gooey, squishy, pretty yarn! You are one lucky lady!!!
I can see Dotty - or Winnie in this colourway - I seem to be on a theme of things with holes (or dots ) knitted into them!!
It would look great in Blackberry Brambles, but I would prefer Dotty. I really think the pattern (and the story of the name).
Sock-s-licious sounds great. Merino, SILK & Nylon - my friends
I absolutely have to knit the Blackberry Brambles I already own in that yarn!!! Then, I might have to dye a skein (as I learned) at sock camp in my version of a Blackberry colorway. I really love the pattern and things two pairs would be lovely. Cross my fingers!
Shawlette, scarflette, or Blackberry Brambles!
Love the colors and it would make a perfect cowl!
Ooh! I think maybe a Stephanie van der Linden pattern -- Esther or Honeybee Socks.
That yarn & color are gorgeous! Love it! I'm a pink loving girl!
I have to admit that I don't know the song so I'd be afraid to try to re-write it! LOL!!
Anything knit with it would be striking - even stockinette socks!
Thank you for the chance to win it! :-)
Wow, more pretty yarn - it has been a banner week indeed!
I'm thinking Blackberry Brambles myself. Such pretty yarn! Love it! Count me in!
Yummy Yummy
I have been dying to make a pair of socks but just too chicken.... Maybe this would be the kick in the butt I need, LOL
If I were to get a skein, I'd knit it into a milkweed shawl=) Dunno why, just seems fitting.
I just drooled, it really wasn't pretty. That sock yarn is screaming dotty!
Oooohhh! Pretty!
This is lovely yarn. I would want that softness up near my neck and would use it to make a Lace cowl
by Wendy Dayus. Thanks for sharing!
Hmmm.... so many patterns out there, so little time! I think I'd be making socks of some sort (mainly because I've got 2 pairs just about off the needles so it's time to start another!).
I would have to say I would knit it in your new pattern, Dotty. I have it in my ravelry basket and need to pay for it:). But I have also been admiring your Cotty pattern, which I have only recently found.
Anything would look good made up in that gorgeous color. If you don't believe me just ask Uncle Frank!
Oooo, I am drooling! I LOVE the colors in it! I would love to try it with Blackberry Brambles... actually I want to use it for every pattern I have!
I think that knitting Anne Hanson's Hayricks sock pattern would be beautiful in the Blackberry Brambles color. Yum...
Yarn looks delicious. I'm having trouble deciding, but it is a cross between Evelyn A. Clark's Waving Lace Socks or Sandi Rosner's Spiral Eyelet Socks.
I think I'd design something with you in mind. An original, just like you!
La-La-La badombambam.
Well I would love to knit up that yarn in Blackberry Brambles. Bricker by Anne Hanson is another one on my queue that would work.
With the slightly varigated yarn, I think a shawlette would be wonderful. Also, I like your Slip Jig for this yarn! I'd love to be entered.
Although your sock patterns are among the prettiest I've seen, I have yet to try to knit socks myself. But I have a couple of patterns for small shawls that call for sock yarn that I am anxious to try. I think the Heather yarn would be perfect! Pick me! Pick me!
add me to the "Blackberry Brambles" camp.
MMM. I may have to give myself permission to do a little stash-enhancing.
I would love... to make a shawl with the yarn. Yarn-a-licious, definition make the boys go loco, they want my treasures so they get their pleasures.
Pick me.
crzyknittengran Ravelry
You lucky gal getting to try that yarn early! I think the Blackberry Brambles would be beautiful or maybe a Cedar Leaf Shawlette. Not sure if it would be enough yardage though.
Oooh, that looks gorgeous! I need some new sock yarn -- too bad none of my LYSes carry Kollage. Blackberry brambles looks great, and I would definitely like to knit Thayer's new pattern Blueberry Bubbles. So cute!
brainless or firestarter by Yarnissima would be pretty.
I am so glad you love the yarn. I can't wait to see who wins the contest.
Wow, that yarn is super pretty! Whether I win or not, I'm going to have to get some of it! haha :) I think the yarn would look pretty in your Dotty pattern. I also have a pattern in my head that wants to be knit, so it'd probably look pretty in that, too. :D
I enjoyed SlipJig so much that I'd like to knit another one of your patterns. I think you're exactly right - Blackberry Brambles would be perfect.
WoW that yarn is to dye for...
Here's my lyrics...thanks for the fun.
Listen up y'all ?cause this is it
The beat that I'm bangin' is Sock-a-licious
Sock-a-licious definition
Make them boys go loco
They want my treasure
So they get their pleasures from my photo
You can see me, you can squeeze me
I am easy, I am ssquishy
I got reasons why I knit 'em
Socks just come and go like seasons
(So delicious)
But I ain't promiscuous
And if you was delicious
All that knittin is Sock-a-licious
I knit kisses
That puts them socks on rock, rock
And they be slippin? down the block
Just to watch what I got
(Four, tres, two, uno)
(It's hot, hot)
So delicious
(I put them socks on rock, rock)
So delicious
(They want a tpair of what I knit)
(T-t-tasty, tasty)
Sock-a-licious def-
Sock-a-licious def-
Sock-a-licious def-
Sock-a-licious definition
Make them knitters go crazy
They always see my socks and know me
Callin' to me call me Sock-a-licious
(Hey Stacy)
I'm the S to the O, C, K, the O, the L
And can't no other lady KNIT THEM like me
I'm Sock-a-licious
(So delicious)
My needles stay vicious
I be up in the studio
Just workin? With my Sock-a-licious
Your my witness
(Ooh wee)
I put yo' socks on rock rock
And he be purling? down the block
Just to watch what I got
(Four, tres, two, uno)
Baby, baby, baby
If you really want socks
Honey, get some patience
Maybe then you'll get a swatch.
Of my Sock-a-licious
I'll be laced with lacey
It's so soft as a daisy
It'll make you crazy
T, to the A, to the S-T-E-Y, girl you tasty
T, to the A, to the S-T-E-Y, girl you tasty
D, to the E, to the L-I-C-I-O-U-S
To the D, to the E, to the, to the, to the
Hit it Fergie!
All the time I turn around projects gather round
Always lookin? at me while I knit, lookin? at my
I just wanna say it now I ain't tryin? to round up drama
Sock-a-licious is perfect for yo mama
And I know I'm comin? off just a little bit conceited
And I keep on repeatin? how the knittin wanna take it
But I'm tryin' to tell, that I can't be treated like clientele
?Cause they say is so Sock-a-licious
(So delicious)
But I ain't a newbie
And if you was suspicious
All that fiber is Sock-a-licious
I blow kisses
That puts them socks on rock, rock
And they be a wearin ? down the block
Just to watch what I got
Four, tres, two, uno
I'm Sock-a-licious, t-t-tasty, tasty
To the D, to the E, to the L-I-C-I-O-U-S
To the D, to the E, to the, to the, to the, to the,
Ooohhh so pretty. Definitely the Blackberry Brambles:) It reminds me of my mom's homemade blackberry pie, Mmmmmm.
If I wil I will buy the Dotty pattern, which I think will look beautiful.
I am obsessed with the cotty patterrn and would love to see how it would knit up in the yarn.
Definitely would have to be the Blackberry brambles.
I haven't decided which pattern to use from my March RSC kit, but I would like to use the other pattern for this skein.
I would like to make either the Blackberry brambles cowl.
Definitely the Blackberry Brambles.
It would have to be the cotty's.
The slip jig pattern. I absolutely love that one!
Naturally the Blackberry Brambles.
Mmmmmm Blackberry jam, um oh yeah the Blackberry Brambles.
Your new Dotty pattern:)
It is amazing that there seems to be an infinite supply of beautiful sock yarn and fantastic patterns-thye fun never stops!!
Love that colorway and the pattern. Both would have a nice home with me.
Love! Would be great for my first pair of socks!
I don't remember if I posted a comment, but if I did, I'm sure I would say "Stop enabling!!".
Love, love, love the Chateau! Would be great for my first pair of socks!
I wish for Dottie. Why? Because I had a lovely Aunt Dot, who loved to quilt with a beautiful colt like this. And-because we used to go berry picking in the Barrens in Northern Wisconsin with her. What lovely memories-thanks for helping me think of those times.
I'm always in the mood for a sock yarn! I'm honestly not sure what I would make with the yarn, because I have so many awesome choices.
I am thinking that a little colonnade shawl would be really pretty out of that yarn. I love the name of the yarn! I have to have some of that!
I lurve blackberries......
Yummy looking yarn, too...
of course blackberry brambles would be awesome.... I would also consider knitting a pretty cabled sock, or Cookie A's Angee Socks. :)
you already picked the perfect pattern for that yarn. Blackberry brambles. But it would also make an absolutely stunning lace shawlette.
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