1. Really, really long week at work.
2. Still not completely over this allergy/sinus infection...tail end, but I think that isn't helping the energy thing.
3. Babysat my nephew, Lil' Guy, last night and this morning and although I bribed him to "sleep-in" a bit longer (it worked), 8am was still way too early to be up on a Saturday when I went to sleep at 1:30am. What was I thinking?! I know all of my mom friends are reading this laughing at me right now :)
4. We had a blast at the farmer's market this morning, but lots of walking. Still worth it.

Note all the stawberry juice stains on his shirt. What was auntie thinking??

5. There has not been enough knitting around here. It is a Catch-22. Too tired to knit, but not knitting also makes me a bit cranky and tired...

I did get to start a few swatches of my skein of Sock-a-licious. This is the lovely Mango colorway! See, the past week was cold (in the high 50s/low 60s) and rainy around here. I needed to will summer into coming! This colorway seemed like the perfect way to do it!!

I think it worked! It was a gorgeous sunny day today! It seems like the first time in awhile that it was almost "hot" out! All this photoshoot needed today was a yummy Margarita!
Oh, and don't forget. If you haven't entered, you've got until 10am Sunday morning (tomorrow) to leave a comment here to win a gorgeous skein of Sock-a-licious!
So, enough about the reasons why I'm exhausted. Here are the reasons why things are looking up...
1. I'm already in my pjs and have my knitting right next to me.
2. I have absolutely no commitments for the next two days. None. Nada. (okay, well, I have some reports to work on for work, but I'll be in denial about that for at least the next day and a half!).
3. I am going to knit, knit, knit.
4. I may even get a trip to Purlescence in tomorrow to relax and knit with friends. And they are having a sock yarn sale. That never hurts :)
5. I'll even get a workout or two in before this holiday weekend is over!!
Hope you are enjoying your weekend!!
xoxo Irishgirlieknits
I'm tired just thinking about your week/day! Quiet weekend for me as Hubs is working straight through. Did start a new sock today...yeah!
just finished Uncle Franks in Typhoon Tina for MM's brother and got my excellent nephew to model them. Now I'm in for three more pairs. Nephew 1 picked out STR in Firebird, Nephew 2 in Lucky, and my brother wants his in Brick, so he can have socks like the cardinals in Rome. Thanks!
We had company for dinner Saturday, which I think was perfect because now we have two days to relax! Knitting is definitely on the agenda!
**stiffles a grin** yeah, you're seeing how it is with a toddler. Especially the white shirts, my kids had to wear them to school. I'd pick them up and they..well weren't white anymore. I'm trying to finish some things too so I can sit and knit and spin. Have a good rest of the weekend. The mango yarn is really pretty..hmmm
Glad the weekend is looking up for you! Take care of yourself and feel better!
After I catch up on blogs, I'm going to work out, then head to town for more beads. I ran out last night while I was plying...
Love that yarn and the happy little guy.
I was laughing a bit out loud... :) Love you!
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