I'm looking forward to lots of knitting this weekend! When work gets busy, the knitting takes a back seat :( For example, I thought I would finish this pair of socks two weeks ago on my trip to New Orleans. Instead, I just finished them late Wednesday night (thank goodness Lil' Snowboarder's gymnastics class forced me to be in one place for an hour with the only thing to do but knit!).
These were my "original" Slip Jig socks!

I knit the first one back in February when I was designing the socks and then they just sort of sat in their pretty project bag for awhile.

I am so absolutely pleased with how well this pattern works with the variegated colors of Socks that Rocks! I can't wait until it is released to the general public next March!

And I love love love this colorway...Dutch Canyon!
Believe it or not, with finishing this project, I don't really have any active WIPs. Plenty of UFOs. Here's what I'm thinking of knitting in the next week or soon.
1. I know I'll be starting a new design with Sock-a-licious soon (hurry, if you haven't entered, contest for free yarn runs til Sunday morning!).
2. I'd like to finish the second sock of my Courage sock. The pattern will be released to the general public in June! Yay!
3. Father's Day is coming up. You know what that means. Socks for IrishDad. It is either knit him a new pair or mend the heels of 3 or 4 pairs he needs mending (ugh. dad. stop wearing the socks absolutely everywhere including outside...but I love you...so I'll try to mend at least one pair.). I'm figuring Uncle Frank will knit up quickly.
4. Baby stuff. Lots of it. So many close friends and family are having babies! At least those will knit up quickly, right?
5. I really want to finish my Tickled Pink Blanket that Rocks.
Oh, so many knits, so little time!!
What are you guys knitting? What are you up to this weekend? Hope whatever it is, you have some knitting time worked in!
Happy Friday!
xoxo Irishgirlieknits
So funny--I was planning to cast on Slip jig for the holiday weekend. My big plan is to plant myself in a chair, under an umbrella a the pool with my iPod and my knitting.
Very nice! This is going to sound weird, but I think I like slip-jigs when they're NOT on the foot. I like the quasi-smocking they do.
Have a good weekend!
I love the socks -- and that colorway is perfect.
As always I have too many WIPs, but lately it's been all about the three pairs of socks I have going.
Great sock - per usual:) I am hoping to cast on an Ulmus if I can deem it good train knitting:) I am taking the train to Chicago with my sister to celebrate our birthdays tomorrow for the day. We are painting out kitchen today and I hope to start sewing a wrap skirt with a little sew along - so happy for an extra day this weekend but it still does not seem like enough time:)
Phew. Good thing I got stuck at the firehouse last night and actually did some knitting to talk about...
My sanity saver is the second Horcrux sock in Regia. I can't wait for the first cool morning in September to wear them! (Surely the second one will be done by then?)
The lovely Plymouth Eco Cashmere laceweight scarf languishes by my seat on the sofa, because you know ever spare moment is spent with my new wheel...
I also have a shawlette on the needles, and a shawl and a shrug that I REALLY need to finish for August birthdays!
Love those! Perhaps some day I'll knit mine up. :) I have so many UFOs my yarn room should be renamed Area 51! Perhaps I will finish sock #2 from cloning anemone this weekend. And/or my second sock from the boobie 1 and 2 colorways I got at camp this year. Hurray for 3 day weekends!
You aren't the only one who can't wait until the GP can get that pattern! Good luck with your Sockilious design too! I'm planning on spinning, knitting, and relaxing (oh and ignoring the pager...sniff wish I could!) Housework today though..
Have a good weekend!
My weekend plans include perfecting pencil skirt and shirtdress patterns - sewing, not knitting. However, I'm working my way down the foot on my second pair of Dottys - love them! and I have a shawl and a cardi I'm semi-designing. g
Nicely done! I'm working on a pair of fiddly socks (lots of tiny cables in black yarn, I don't recommend it) and a test knit for Rosi. I think I need to start something new that's light, quick, and simple but I have no idea what that would be.
Those are adorable!! I'm falling way behind on my Carrie socks so I better get crackin!
Just finished a shawl and don't really have anything going right now either! Isn't that an eerie feeling? There's a sock I could get back to work on, or a couple UFO's from last summer...or a pile of Elann Incense for Passiflora from Twist Collective! Guess which one I'm going to do!
I'm so excited! I'm off all next week, so today on my lunchbreak I went through my Rav que and printed off all the patterns I thought I might want. Hopefully I'll finish some socks, and work on my poor old Ravalympic failure. Tonight we had a storm so I got started on a new shawl. YAY VACATION! *dancing*
Well, those Slip Jigs are so pretty, but we have to wait til next March for the pattern - that's mean ;-)!?
I'm going to order your Uncle Frank pattern right now and make some Fathers' Day socks for my guys - good idea Miss Girlie!
Pretty, pretty! Have a wonderful long weekend. Can't wait 'til SATC!
Love your socks! I really like the colorway too!
I'm currently into the gusset of my second Slip-Jig....with a time-out after camp for a Harmonia's Rings Cowl (almost done!) and a Ruffly scarf using STR Boobie 1....
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