I bring you 10 things I love, today.
1. Pumpkin bread with cranberries and pecans added. Why didn't I think of this sooner? And why did I forget to take a picture of the four loaves I made today? Maybe tomorrow.
2. Knitting by the fire.

I was debating how I wanted to complete the decreases on Wee Baby Francis hat and so I took this photo insead. Must have worked, as the hat is now done :) Pattern should be finished in the next day or two and then off to test knitters.
3. Puddles. How could you not love her?

4. Tomorrow is Sunday. I LOVE that.
5. Realizing that I really have no clue about how to update, revise, make-pretty, my blog. Yes, I love that I've finally realized it. So not only am I hoping that Santa brings me Knitterella for my logo this Christmas, I'm hoping her graphic design skills will make my blog a bit, um, prettier :)

But, at least I figured out how to add text to photos in Picnik!
6. While I'm making a list for Santa, anything from this etsy shop by Little Brown Pen would be lovely. I saw the 5 x 5 Paris in (specific color...mine would be blue) Collection on French Press Knits blog awhile ago and just love love love this shop.
7. Casting on a new project! Yay!! In the lovely Malabrigo Rios I purchased at A Verb for keeping Warm a few weeks back. And yes, in casting on a new project I realized that I owe everyone a contest winner on the WIP guess. That post coming soon! Promise.
8. My new lumpy handspun. Mine is in the middle, surrounded by other newbie spinners, Cheekyattitude and Pbftlizy.

9. Watching this.
10. I found time to blog. I love you guys :)
Happy Knitting!
xoxo Irishgirlieknits
there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with watching eclipse:)
Love your sock monkeys! I really should knit one up as I've had the pattern since it came out.
Great list. Love the pic of the fire. I miss having a fire. A real one, anyway!
Also love your sock monkey banner. Excellent job. Can't wait to see what knitterella comes up with for you :0)
Hope you enjoy your Sunday. Big hug, Disco xoxoxoxo
I ran into friends last night (friends over 40) who would have been in line at midnight if the store had been open to buy that movie at the first minute possible. You are not alone!
love to bailey too
love little puddy
Lovely list. Sometimes, really just finding the positive makes a huge difference.
I have pumpkin bread in the oven right now - along with cranberries and orange zest. :) g
No judgment here, it's on my Christmas list :-) I hope you enjoyed it and your time knitting by the fire.
We love you too! Look at that cozy fire. Aaaaaah. With a bit of that pumpkin bread and a cup of coffee - dog at your feet. Perfect.
Hehe..thanks for reminding me I need to buy that for the girl..um..er..and me ;) Love the new header! I would love to test knit for wee Francis, if you don't need it done before Christmas...after I'm all yours ;) BTW: good spinning progress!
I myself am patiently waiting for Eclipse to hurry up and appear on Netflix Instant! ;)
I have some Rios on my wish list for Christmas!
I think you're doing great. You got sock monkeys and baking and dogs and spinning, and...what more could one ask for, really? I got one of my own favs today....a nap with the dogs in my lap. Sundays are FOR such things!
You're doing better than me in the blogging dept. And your first handspun looks so squishy soft!
BTW, when Monkey1 asked to borrow my as yet unwatched Eclipse DVD on Sat to watch at her friend's sleepover that night, I said no quickly & rather a little too vehemently. Hee.
OMG - #9!!!! Eclipse, I love you so, SO much I couldn't wait for Christmas!!! Pumpkin Bread is yummy (maybe not as much as Edward) and I just got my first gift tag order from Knitterella, which are wonderful. Great list Carrie.
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