26 days baby. That's right. I'm trying. But I confess, I may have had a little slip. Well, not of the yarny kind. But of the cute fabric bag kind.
Piddleloop. They are my downfall. Thank goodness things sell out quickly. They had a quick update yesterday that I just happened to catch and got a little something, fortunately with destash money (doesn't totally count, right?).
But, I probably didn't need it. Considering this is the cute bag I got last time!

I'm a sucker for the doggies (and check out those goodies!) and they were donating part of the proceeds to a local animal shelter!
These ladies rock!
Second little confession. I have resisted two
Plucky Knitter updates and a Mama Blue one during this yarn fast. Again, maybe not a big deal for some, but for me, yippee! But then, late last night, I clicked on the destash thread of the Plucky Knitter group on ravelry and saw someone was destashing lots and lots of pretties. I was weak. I thought, "Oh!! Its Golightly! I just love that blue! In aran cashmere!! I must have these two skeins! Can I? Can't I?"
And then I looked over to my "I want to knit soon" basket. This is what I saw...

Do you see it?

Look closer. That pretty pretty Tiffany blue....also known as Golightly. OMG! How could I have forgotten that I already have this in my stash! And guess how many skeins I have of it...
FOUR!!!Seriously, this yarn fast is just fine for me. An appropriate penance :)
Happy Stashbusting!!
xoxo Irishgirlieknits